Alot of Hot Air

These inflatable team-mates have already made appearances in the local papers. Just as I was walking up to this place, just a few hundred feet from my house,

ESR is loaded with current local scenery, many made into strange n colorful altered images. Words describe some of SnaggleTooth's life n opinions. Most poems on ESR are spontaniously written into the editor. Enjoy the sights n whimsey.
You knew I'd come here and tell you how good it feels that you guys lost.
I can't blame the team for the lose.
When you play the game of football you understand that you don't ever leave points on the board. In the 2nd quarter. The Pats had a chance to kick a field goal but instead belicheat tried to go for it on 4th and it went incomplete.
Looking back on the end score. I guess those three points might have helped eh?
When the game was over after NY's TD. And after the Pat's failed last drive, Belicheat ran off the field before the game was over.
This is perhaps the greatest classless act in professional sports history that I've seen.
With all that said. All is right in the world of football right now. The better team one. And for now, all those NE people with their ego's will have to step down a notch and know that they are human.
For that I am grateful.
This will be their lesson in humanity.
Man, what game and the half-time and the commericals were just awesome,esp.the SOBE ad gottta love the dancing lizards!!! I really wanted NE to win to watch a new Dynasty begin would have been Beautiful.
the first half of the game was kind of lame, and the giants final touchdown was a shocker.. we were all sitting with a jaws to the floor. lol
some neighbors down the street made a giant helmet out of snow in their front yard. quite neat!
Neo, yep, I did!
Skye, Yeah, I loved the dancing lizards, n played it back a couple of times! I like the "Rocky" Clydesdale in training too- We had a Dalmation growing up....
MB, A giant snow helmet is a great concept! Had a party with the gang, eh? Notice I'm not surprised my Coworker predicted the winner back in Oct- (he's 25)
Well, like we say here in Chicago, "there's always next year."
Considering the record of the Patriots, I don't feel so bad.
Great game to watch for those who were neutral.
The Patriots lost the Super Bowl this year. I think that sucks. But, They have ROCKED in recent years and deserve a nod from friend & foe alike. I have been an avid Patriot fan since my father introduced me to the game back in the mid 70's. Back then, we could only watch the Pats for away games, as they never sold out home games, so they were never on tv, remember? Everyone thought we were the easy win, and we were. We were the worst in the league... the laughing stock of the NFL!
Well you know what? Even though we did lose the Super Bowl this year, the PATRIOTS STILL ROCKED!!!
Xray, Well I watched the Bears win the Sup-Bowl against the Pats back in the 90's! The Bears have always been a good team- n have great fans from everywhere-
I think the Pats egos were popped...
Fleen, yeah- Oh Well! At least it was a close game- in points. Tom n Randy Moss still got records in Touchdown yardage-passes, Plus the Team went 18-1 WL I'll have to look to see if anyone did that before- Not too shabby at all!
I confess I was for New York. I was getting sick of the coach for New England. I can be quite petty.
speaking of Petty...didn't he seem a bit....well...overly mellow.
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