Serene Scene

I don't know how I happened to end up with another bonus, unexpected day off...
They called me up n said the schedule was changed, Thanks Creator, I really need it. (Is my boss reading this?) I trust that somehow I'll miraculously have enough money to get by without that day's pay. (This better not be every week).
Another gorgeous n warm day for this place where Fall should be showing up cold anytime.
So I washed some area rugs, hung them on the deck-rails, n did a few things I'd been waiting for time to do before it gets cool out. This neglected place needs a major overhaul. It's hard to hear about every one's fixer-upper stuff happenin' plus watching the new McMansion getting built to the hilt across the hill, when I'm still in 70's original-n-falling-to-pieces-materials in here.
Let's just say the neighbors are gonna have a view of me on my deck from their new deck. (I'll hang up a screen n stay low-). They've also managed to totally block the water view on that end of the road from here (Grrr)! I'd like to toss those loud nail guns right over the bridge today too- woken-up after only a couple hours again.
The best part of this night off is getting to watch new shows. Bionic Woman is next on my itinerary. I saw the old one back in the day, starring Farrah Faucet, n it was so lame for effects. The new one looks like much more fun in the commercials.
Off I am, asking in writing seems to be getting good results lately!
Well, don't worry about work or your view of the water. Everything happens for a reason. You have another gorgeous and warm day to enjoy before Fall shows up cold anytime!
I miss the crispness of Fall & the first snow. But not enough to move back up North!
Didn't watch Bionic Woman as it got a bad review
Fleen, I was enjoying the expanded view before the structure went up. I'm more worried about the guys over there seeing me sunbathing.
I liked the show- way more realistic than the old show, same character name of "Jamie Somers" tho-
As long as you don't walk nude on your's all good! :)
K, I do prefer privacy n can't stand being oogled in a bsuit-
You know, that's true... everything does happen for a reason :)
Zoey, Hmmm... usually to see how aggrivated I can get perhaps?
so when are we going to see pictures of this monstrousity across the street. lol.. I'd like to know how it'll fit there, b/c that piece of land isn't much bigger than a postage stamp!
MB, I have some of the pics of the new house's construction to post at the PhotoEssayhf07 blog probably this week.
Snag - Really nice shot! I missed Bionic Woman! Man, I'll have to wait for it to find it's way onto youtube. *Sniffle*
Peace & Hugs,
- Neo
Neo, Thanks. Weds nbc- the effects were great!
Everything does happen for a if a wind storm comes through it will destroy their house extension and save yours.
As for your boss reading never know thats why I keep my pictures and name off my regular blog :D A good test is to talk about his body odor or something and then see if he starts spraying on the Old Spice or something.
Janus, Their new house actually shields mine from alot of wind (it's so big).
He already wears too much cologne, which I'm allergic too! (hint, hint)-
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