My companion Turtle left me behind to travel beyond today. I'm going to miss her company n silly ways. Especially how she chewed off every string toy Mischief, her littermate-sister, ever had. No toy mouse's tail was spared.
Now Mischief n I will have trouble finding some one to get angry at around here. Even the wires are safe again. I blocked off so many things from her reach because of her chewing n clawing compulsions, it'll take some time to undo.
I used to tease her by calling her "Fluffy." Although she had a nervous dispositon sometimes, she was a great friend to have around.
Here she is last December helping me out with paperwork by the window
(Notice the blooming Christmas cactus). There's another good shot somewhere in the Archives,
( here). Turtle had been ill for the past few months. She shared her life with me for eight years, for which I'll always be greatful. She always reminded me of my previous tortoise-shell tabby named Teri, n shared so many of her traits it was uncanny. I couldn't help but love her too.I'll never think of the day it turns into Fall the same way again...RIP
oh mom.. I'm so sorry to hear that.. she was a good kitty... even though she would alwyas run and hide when I would come to visit.. I've got a picture of her and mischief curled up on a paper bag from when they were kittens.
I cannot imagine the pain you feel at this loss. May you find comfort and peace at this time.
i'm sorry mom... if you need anything just call...
Thank you all for your caring emotional support!
Sorry about your kitty, my cat knocks all my stuff off the shelf and drives me nuts, but I know I would miss it if she didn't do it.
Our pets are like our kids, my heart goes out to you.
MB & BBM, don't worry, I'll get over it with a little more time.
Xray, good words. I sang a monk song to her that day which refrains "Peace I leave with you my friend-" I'm still having trouble feeling it tho-
Janus, Thanks for understanding how easy it is to even love annoying habits in those we love.
I had a knock-it-over cat once who broke a sculpture I worked so hard on, I now hide all my artwork in crates!
Snag - Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that! I don't know how I'd cope if something happened to my Cody.
I'm sure your fuzzy is in Kitty heaven. You'll see her again someday.
*big hugs*
- Neo
Neo, it is difficult- Thanks.
oh sweet snaggle, I am so heartbroken for you. My big by has bee gone years and I can not replace him. we were a fine pair of bachelors, and good company when there were books that needd reading. Your psot reminded me of "Patches", and that is a good thing. Sending you a back rub in the mail.....
David, Thank you for relating so well to my current challenge.
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