Q: Where were you 6 years ago today at 8:50 am?
A: I was working days at a small software company in the production room with five other people.
Q: What were you doing when you first heard the news?
A: I was printing Fisher-Pierce update floppy labels on the thermal printer, 500 pieces, n listening to the radio speaker just above my head.
I couldn't believe what I'd heard. I didn't think anyone else was listening, so I turned around to the people working on a mailing at the table behind me n loudly asked them,
"Did he just say TWO planes crashed into the World Trade Center towers?"
Then the radio guy repeated it. When they reported a short time later that Tower 1 had collapsed, we all ran into the empty day-care room across the hall (without permission) n watched footage of people fleeing the huge dust cloud on a tiny 9-inch black n white TV set. We were soon shoo-ed back to work by the AH boss.
Q: Do you still vividly relive your feelings of that day?
A: Yes, after hearing the radio announcement I had the horrible shadow of dread over me, n a tight knot in my stomache. I didn't want to be at work anymore. It didn't seem important. I could picture the plan co-ordinator's skinny, dark, curly-haired form laughing n dancing with glee.
I dwelled on how the victims felt, on the planes, trapped on upper floors, jumping, unable to get down elevators, everyone in a panic. Time running out. Resigning to death in a deafening roar. Surprized. All becoming part of a suddenly pulverized huge human n cement pile. So much anger, horror, n beginnings of grief going through my mind.
(I felt these things before I heard about them, before I saw n heard the news later that evening.)
I had so much trouble working n concentrating on work the rest of the day until 5pm. I couldn't wait to get home where I spent the next three days n nights glued to the news reports n footage I'd missed while at work that day.
Q: Did the events effect the way you live your life?
A: I've changed in many ways. I'm braver, n I never feel safe, or get complacent.
Now I always pay attention to the news. I stopped working full-time there n stopped stressing-out on that place with the un-reasonable bosses. They didn't deserve the devoted nature of my hard work. They lacked compassion.
After that day, I got bolder in my convictions of what I will n will not do.
A couple months after that I successfully took a road trip 1600 miles to South Florida by myself in my new truck, then back home, (because I wanted too).
Q: Do you still get nightmares with that theme?
A: Yes, I've always been paranoid of large airplanes, n sometimes have the one of dying that (tower-smack) way. I've had PTSD in the past, n had many bad dreams in my life-time, alot after 911. I've had many dreams about the ghosts of the dead. The frequency has eased up recently, TG!
Q: Did you or some one you know lose some one who lost their life that day?
A: I didn't personally know any of the victims, but Yes, my musician friend, Bruce, lost a close, old-home-buddy he grew-up with in Sudbury, MA onboard flight 195.
He moved further up north after that, I haven't seen him a long time.
Some one from my home town was scheduled to fly but got bumped off the flight.
Q: How does this anniversary date affect you?
A: I honor the dead, light a candle, n pray. I remember.
Sometimes I get paraniod another terrorist act will kill alot of people on this date again, pray it won't, n try not to go out anywhere.
Q: If you were in charge, what would've you done differently than George W. in response?
A: Don't get me started! Just about everything, including concentrating on educating people of Islamic culture n countries on why Americans n themselves don't deserve to die due to religious differences.
Can you say, covert operations? Cutting all Bin Laden family oil business ties, ect.
No excuse, George!
... -----------------------------------------...
Go ahead n feel free to interview your-self:
(copy n paste if you like)
Q: Where were you 6 years ago today?
Q: What were you doing when you heard the news?
Q: Do you still vividly relive your feelings of that day?
Q: Did the events effect the way you live your life?
Q: Do you still get nightmares with that theme?
Q: Did you or some one you know lose some one who lost their life that day?
Q: How does this anniversary date affect you?

Lord Bless the undeserving dead n all their survivors-
thank you for remembering the 2996 this day and always. we will never forget, and never let that evil win.
Q: Where were you 6 years ago today?
A:in bed at my parents house, then I went to work later that day
Q: What were you doing when you heard the news?
A:sleeping, my dad woke me up, you better get up, something happened
Q: Do you still vividly relive your feelings of that day?
Q: Did the events effect the way you live your life?
A:i try not to, we dont want the terrorists to win
Q: Do you still get nightmares with that theme?
A:no, but it haunts me sometimes when I am awake
Q: Did you or some one you know lose some one who lost their life that day?
A:not personally, but my Dad worked for Aon at the time, and it really affected his company
Q: How does this anniversary date affect you?
A: I wont ever forget
I am sorry, but I don't need to have a Q & A session to remember what I was doing that day. My sister, came over that morning. I was watching the Today show on the big screen in the family room as my sister was out in the back yard walking around. Then I saw a report of a fire at the World Trade Center. The news said that a plane may have hit it. As I relayed information to my sister, I watched as another plane flew into the other tower...Then we watched in horror as the towers one after the other collapse. All we could think of was "How many people have just died..."
Yes, I Still remember it.
Yes, these events still affect the way I live my life.
Although I do not personally know anyone who died that day, when the twin towers collapsed, I felt that I knew every soul...
As with any swift reaction to an unexpected attack (ie. Pearl Harbor), I feel it was adequate.
David, Thanks for the visit, I'll have to go see what(who) your tribute is this year. With so many good souls in the world, evil can not prevail!
Xray, What a way to wake-up! It's amazing how this has affected so many lives, n how hard it is to forget the details of our lives that day. Thanks for sharing n caring.
Fleen, You're one of the eye-witnesses via TV. It must've felt horrible watching the towers go down live.
1 vote for the government's response. Thanks for your account.
Snag - Nice job, I had a boss who wanted to keep us there all day at work as well. I kept saying to him "Do you think it's right for us to be here worrying about work?" They finally let us go home around 3pm. I remember getting pissed more than afraid. The bus ride home was surreal. may the truth of that day someday get out and open people's eyes.
Peace & Hugs,
- Neo
Neo, Amen
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