All work n no play makes SnaggleTooth's posting difficult to keep positive.

Day Off hit the weather jackpot today. Blue sky, nice n warm temp with a light breeze. I got all the stuff I'd wanted to accomplished before places closed, n spent the later day hanging on the deck with Mischief while doing a few other chores. If only I didn't feel so somber.
The day was good yesterday, too, but I was sullen, overshadowed by the act of kitty-burial. My eyes were so red, I did all the errands with my sunglasses on. After I got back from the store, Mis n me had a good food party. That was the first time in her life she was home alone.
What seems strange to me is it feels empty in here, as though a huge presence has been expelled. No more checking on Turtle all the time, trying to find her, trying to get her to eat. Guess it took up more energy from me than I'd thought.
I have so many chores to catch up on in here n not enough time n energy now. I spend way too much steam on the job, n not enough on home. Until I can manage to get approved for several days off in a row, my arms will continue to be muscle sore. Deep-hole digging didn't help much, either.
At work, instead of only dealing with the very heavy objects three nights a week, I'm covering the other guy's vacation, so until he gets back, it's much heavy lifting plus a viscously fast pace to keep up every night.
Keeping up this much energy-churning out was so much easier for me even just ten years back. I know it's good for my heart health n also my bone-density-strength. Most people who don't know me well think I'm way younger.
What's not as good for me tho- is the constant stress being poured on top of driving myself very hard already- by one of the young bosses. I guess that's what they're for, driving us all nuts!
I still believe that whipping a horse who's already running as fast as he can doesn't make him run any faster, it just pisses him off! I keep telling them to find younger people to do my job. Usually tho, younger folks lack the needed diligence. Apparently older folks have learned to put up with much more crap.
Lately, I'm just not being as quiet about what I'm putting up with. After all, without complaining, no one ever figures out what is wrong n how to fix it... Maybe the older we get, the bitchier we get!

Today's pictures are of the train station on Rear Main Street in the Center of town. The location n planter of flowers is the same. Catch the wave going up the stairs on the building across the way- I love driving past that mural. I'd like to have time to do some of my own. (Having a building to spatter on would help too).
Snag - Energy? Hmmmphhh! I need some of that right about now. Trying to get all this stuff done here is crazy!
Hope you get some much needed rest. Again, sorry about your fuzzy. :(
Peace & Hugs,
- Neo
God at least shined the weather on you. I am glad it was somewhat of a comfort despite the ache in your heart.
Nothing like Sunshine and a cool breeze to get you through the day.
I feel for your arms.
How come those young kids with all the energy are such poor workers? Makes me upset they think the elders are there to serve them... boy do I fear for this country sometimes...
Neo, Moving is an ominious task! I def got too much stuff in here-
Getting more rest than expected, thanks
Xray, The Creator's def trying to cheer me up. Daylight is great when you have time to relax in it.
Not as many young folks are age respectful as in past generations- a sign of the times.
(tosses you motrin bottle)
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