SnaggleTooth's Puter has made it home, YAY!
Two months n two weeks without free-will access here is far too long-
I've got a few things in the works for display, but it'll take a few days to get this puter up to it's tasks again. Seems a few drivers are missing (ie: CD drive, ect) n I can't even get a back-up disc done yet. Also can't update my photos to post.
This is the longest work-summer-season I've ever put in on the job too. On four occassions since June, I've had to give up Day Off for the busy season. The OT helped me pay for this machine, but wow am I exhausted!
Along with the normal summer noise I've been missing many sleep hours due to the house being constructed on the house fire lot right across the corner for the past three weeks. An update of the (progression or degression) view off my deck will be up on the PhotoEssayhf blog soon after I get the CD drive to work again.
My first two days off in a row in about a month have just arrived, n too much has been pushed aside n stacked up. Mail, errands, basic chores, there's lots of physical catch-up to play... but here I am.
So much has happened, (or not). Haven't made it into the water over my head again since last reported. My tan is very minimal compared to most summers. I've had so little time for folks, fun, n any extras. I'm so out of touch.
The game of Catch-Up begins...
Yay! Welcome home Snagg!
We missed you! I look forward to your photos.
Hello! Me too I've been off line for quite awhile myself. Welcome back.
Xray, Thanks for the warm welcome. Beware tons of impending post-ups...
Skye, I can hear the "Welcome Back Kotter" song in my head... Thanks!
I hope to get to reading over your places this week- Many thanks for continueing to check-up on me-
Welcome back Snaggs. The closest I have come to getting in the water is my shower every morning & I live in Florida!!
Fleen, I bet you've made J's pool a few times, tho! I see it out my window, n can't manage to get down the hill to just stick my toes in!
Just plain sad...
welcome to the catch up...my turn now
Hi Janus, I'm bettin you're not quite as backed-up as me after being away from reading all summer (I hope). Thanks for the visit.
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