Here Piggy, Piggy-

The weeds take over all the available spaces. There's an alien plant on the Cape, masquerading as a lumpy, white, Queen Ann's Lace, who's maruading our countryside. It's tall, it's bold, n very abundant.
Still, the Hogweed makes a beautiful, water view wild garden at the bridge-abutment edge over the little cove just down the road.
The tourist numbers are rapidly diminishing, n the cool air temperatures have moved in this week. I've closed the windows, but not yet closed up the storm windows.
So many chores are vieing for attention before winter arrives, far too many were put off due to overworking this summer. I'm sure I'll regret it later when I decide it's too cold to bother at all.
We finally got some rain this week, the remnants of Humberto, n some gusty breezes.
One of the Boston Channels has brought back the original Star Trek series with Dr. Spock n Capt. James T. Kirk (Sun 2am). As I'm watching it now, I'm reminded of seeing it the first time with my Dad eons ago on another planet. The place where I was a minor vote in all descisions, such as what was being watched on TV, listened to on the radio or phonogragh, who I could visit, talk to, what I would eat.
I've been doing all those choices as the main power in my life for decades now, yet I still don't mind being reminded of those times. The campy costumes, lame sets, sonar echos, indicator panels, n over-acted plot drama. The show's alot more amusing now than when I didn't understand it as a child being forced to watch that show, or not see anything before bedtime. Now I choose to watch it again, n like being reminded of sharing a fondness of Sci-fi with Dad.
There's a fake-fur covered, spear-throwing giant bashing the lost, disabled shuttle Galilleo on Tores (due to an ion storm) with a huge, fake rock... n it's making me laugh! Especially the arguements between the Logical, Bones, n Scotty.

Colds are like weeds. They spread n spread, n stuff-up my head!
i too am glad the tourist numbers are quickly decreasing, makes traveling to work much, much, easier!!! I too have a day off today if your at all interested in stopping by!
some day I want to come visit there ( when there are no crowds)
i love the east coast ( where there is a hint of nature left)
my sis ter lived on the Chesapeake bay for a while
Glad you can't catch a cold over the internet! I will pass you some of my tissues, achoo!
BBM, sorry I won't let the kids get this one from me. Hopefully next time!
David, As you can tell, I really like it here. I guess it's a good place to visit, cause many do. That's how I found it n moved to the area from the city.
Xray, only the machines get ill, here- I don't want that again either! Thanks for the kleenex, I need alot of it today-
Classic Star Trek sigh :), Damn it Jim I am a doctor not a very good actor!
Snag - I think one of my fav star trek episodes was the one where Kirk has to fight Spock and you can see the rubber swords bending. Friken hilarious. The music for that clip is really over the edge.
LOL, somebody actually has that!
Peace & Hugs,
- Neo
Neo, Ya the music was a;ways a bit too serious for the situation of poor props n unbelievable acting-
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