More boats are at the old marina now which used to be known as "Jonesy's." When I lived on the South end of town n my girls were small, I spent six years working on out-board motors for the dude who used to run it.
I had a bathing suit covered with "Never Sieze" n Axle-grease to prove it, too! Not only did I learn about fly-wheels, coils, n compression-testers, I learned about the different types of junk-metal, n how easy it is to murdilate your wrists using a five-pound sledge hammer to pummel molded aluminum (>$) away from the aluminum-iron (<$).
Today was a machine challenge of another sort. We were planning to test-run the machne which has been out of service since I was hired there. I had to go in an hour n a half ahead of the rest of the crew to start everything in the building up for the day. The mechanic dude who's been fixing 'er up was late. I was told to put some of the cutter parts on the assembly, n first had to wash the cobwebs off the rig housing- yummy! (Note: this machine makes food). I was missing a few vital wing-nuts, washers, six clamps, n a crank-handle. I hunted down all the parts but the crank, which wasn't vital to test the machine's operation. (I have to remember a hose is still needed too, before the liquid dispenser part is used on some items).
The Mech-dude finally arrived n got the upper parts all in moving order. But after turning it on n off a few times, non-fitting (n loud-crunching) with the brand-new conveyor problems were discovered further down the line on the bottom end of the business. So our test had to be aborted for the time being, now I wonder how long this'll take... I need a change of work-load like yesterday!
So for the rest of my day I had to do stuff Iwouldn't have had to if the rig had been up to producing. Now I can't wait until the dude figures out the linkage failure. (Hey, he gets the big bux, n I'm only going to operate it). So although I could probably figure it out, it's his job!
Back to the old machine n all the new, clueless folks who can't count or prepare correctly.
To top it off, I've been feeling not too well n dizzy, probably due to allergies n too much lawn-cutting. Doh! Well, better luck with the next run...
Sounds technical, but you know your stuff! Good luck getting everything up and running!
aw sheesh, I can understand where you are coming from.
Hope you get better soon
Xray, Thanks, we got it up n running today, but not making everything it was going to. Oh well-
Janus, It's less work during production, but more work adding another assembly to clean after. Don't think I've given my arms enough of a break yet.
Thanks, usually takes a week to clear this up.
Snag - I'd have never in a million years thought that you were a grease monkey! LOL
Hope you're feeling better.
Peace & Hugs,
- Neo
Neo, I'm very good at alot things. I enjoy complicated stuff, n solving problems.
I'm doing a job that a woman has never done before...
louis owned the marina?! hmm.. I remember he paid me $5/week for sorting out his nuts and bolts one summer. ahh I miss those days... something I just realized.. so the house we lived inat the time wa owned by T.S. dir of the Cosby show, and I met Mr. Cosby a few years by at a local restaurant. hmm.. who knew I'd have that sort of connections.. it does helps my odds of a cosby setting knowing that he's got a house inthe next town over, and a Cosby sighting in thse parts is very very common.
MB, yep, Lou did. Well, remember to mention T when ya bump into Bill again. He does have a honorary Umass degree... Do you remember playing with OG?
OG? can't figure out that abbreviation.. do you men the girls when they would go down to visit the house after we moved out? I remmebr that. i remmebr that one of the girls had a 10 speed bike that we and amanda were jealous of and rode once in a while.. and man i didn't realize that last comment of mine was full of typos. lol. i hadn't had my coffee yet.. i guess it showed.
MB, Motherhood without caffiene is over-sleeping!
I remember T's son's first name was OG (like OJ). I remember the Bike envy, too! But not the girl's names-
Well, you do have a chance of settin a spell with Bill to ask about how T's kids are! I'm curious what happened to them-
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