Thursday, December 21, 2017

Happy Holly Dings

Image by SnaggleTooth Dec 2017

Yep, it's a holiday of fave things for most. Old decs, new stuff, Nannie's recipes, n old home folks. (My best things are in storage somewhere waiting for better times). Some still sending snail-mail greetings from afar.

Me still trying to get all this extra stuff done for very little in return. Wanting to sleep n be be lazy, but pushing myself to get the extra leg work done. Just hoping a bit of joy gets crammed into that few hours spent as "My Holiday." A wierd mix of what to do with some available family members.

Image by SnaggleTooth Dec 2017

 Knowing I won't really get what I want or need, because those are big things no one can afford now. Maybe just a few little things like kid photos to brighten my mood.

Image by SnaggleTooth Dec 2017

Watching other folks here with all their expensive new things tends to get me in a bad mood easily. So many teaching greediness to the next generation, spoiling ad nausium. Some will teach patience with family gatherings, importance of group meals, n being kind n giving to others, even if you don't know them.

Image by SnaggleTooth Dec 2017

Xmas is more fun when the kids are young n easily pleased. Teens tho are usually difficult n want expensive stuff that is a hardship to families. Hopefully by then they learn to start giving back n  not expecting to always receive.

I have done a few kind things for folks around town recently, but I won't list them or post it on facebook to toot my own horn. No one needs to know it was me. I can't afford alot, but if someone has a tiny bit of worry lifted from their stress it is all worth the tiny sacrifice on my part.

Image by SnaggleTooth Dec 2017

My fave Xmas quote:

"The best present is your prescence"

Best Quote ever found while in Walmart:

"The Best Things in Life Are Not Things"

Give from the heart. Stop judging. Make a child smile. Build memories in others futures to be remembered long after you depart the party of life.  

Image by SnaggleTooth Dec 2017

Learn what is important, n make sure some young folks get the lesson.

I'll see folks on Xmas Eve, a small gathering. Xmas Day I'll be bringing candy for all to work, in memory of my father who always gave candy, n I requested others try to do it too. I don't expect them to feel obligated, just hope they learn the lift of giving. 

Image by SnaggleTooth Dec 2017
Yep, this is my itty, bitty tree!

Have a good holiday! 


At 10:22 PM, Blogger desk49 said...

Ashes and Dreams:

Ashes and dreams are they not the same?
Are they not what once was or might have been?
Before we lived as if tomorrow were here
Bringing false hopes to a life of things never to be
Can we not look back and see old dreams crumbling?
Cursing the pain of reality that fired our souls
Doubtful we'll know the truth for we have yet to see it
Doing only what our dreams of ashes sought
Easy losing the hope we have held so close
Eluding our own reality, trying to make it come true
Finding no hope, power or dreams -- just ashes
Forged by the sins of unrighteous self pity
Guided along by some misbelief of needs
Gone are all things that made us who we were
Having nothing left, we turn back within
Hiding from all of those that would try to help
Intending to get a grasp on what we know
Instead, we tried for things unreachable
Just to fill the void left by dreams long gone.
Juggling the white ashes of our lost youth
Keeping none away from the winds of time
Kidding no one of this ongoing internal battle
Lodged deep in our blackened, burned-out soul
Laying blame upon all we find within reach
Making their lives feel the sting of our pain
Mulling them over and over in disbelief
Never trying to break this chain of false dreams
Nor stop the fire that burned our dreams to ashes
Only trying to hold things we know will never be
Or give up and slide deeper into that darkness
Perhaps someday we’ll live without our dreams
Probably we’ll just die never knowing or understanding
Questioning ourselves if we have taken the right path
Quietly treading on blindly to places not yet known
Rarely understanding what we’re even looking for
Running away from that long sought after truth
Surely we are not so lost within our own self pity
Such inner voices will never reach our ears
Telling us to pull out of this abyss we have entered
Taking us deeper, deeper into our mindless realm
Using old dreams of used ashes to control us
Until we’re totally lost in this world of fantasy
Void of thought and sound, we walk deeper
Violating everything we hold to our hearts dear
Wondering not only how this happened but
Why we did not see it coming and step aside
X-ing ourselves off the list of a life of happiness
X-raying each cell thinking it’s a cancer within us
Yes, we go on and on asking why we are like this
Yet until the end is near, we will not know as we
Zealously search for what is never found until the
Zero hour, then and only then, are we handed
An ending to this life of madness
Ashes and dreams are they not the same?

At 2:27 PM, Blogger colleen said...

My grandson made a robot suit out of boxes and duct stuff. We put a santa hat on the top of it and went around spreading Christmas cheer in the neighborhood (of about 2). Came to see the lights here and knew they'd be good!

At 3:30 PM, Blogger Snaggle Tooth said...

Ellis! What an awesome Xmas present! I really like this- Thanks! Reminds me of a song called "Livin' on Dreams" I wrote in the '80s, similar theme. n yep it's the truth! Have a time-

Colleen, Glad you are getting in quality entertainment to share there! Jave a good time! Thanks

At 12:43 PM, Blogger desk49 said...

Wow glad you liked it.
For my Snaggle any request.
Will all that don’t get me in the dog house.

At 11:22 PM, Blogger Snaggle Tooth said...

Ellis, You've earned praises here!

At 12:34 PM, Blogger Lynn said...

Oh my - that's an awesome poem from Ellis!

I hope you had a Merry Christmas, Snaggle and a Happy New Year, to you. I'm not surprised at your kindness to others.

Love your tiny tree!

At 3:20 AM, Blogger Snaggle Tooth said...

Lynn, saw this poem title in YOUR side bar but when I clicked the link there, he had deleted the post. A wonderful present he left here! spent an evening tied spaced out tiny glass beads on a thread to put a garland of "Bulbs" on that teeny tree! Thanks.


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