Fall Fell
Fall Fell
trees leave
Freeze breeze
Looted uprooted
Powerless connectionless
Crashing bashing
Words assembled by Snaggle Tooth today
We had a storm with SouthEast Winds when the trees all over town went down. Snapping power, blocking roads, the day before Halloween. Some towns still have folks with no power 3 days later...
Some towns cancelled or post-poned Halloween stuff.
Where I used to live, the yard next door has a large Maple blocking the entire road. Where I live now, the second house down had this tree slam into the roof, (pic used today).
Ten houses down a large, spread-out tree went right throught the whole front face of a home. (I didn't get a pic).
We were lucky right here. Power out less than 24 hours.
I was supposed to work very early, but when I got there the juice was out, n the boss had us waiting in case the power came back up, which it didn't. So we all waited around for a generator and didn't begin until after 7pm, n worked until after 2am. Then I worked the night after. One word: "Ouch!"
Most of the turning leaves flew off in the strong winds, except for the Oaks n a few others. Maples plus small trees are all done for the most part. There's some dead leaf clutter out there now.

I got just a few leaf pics so far to pic play with. Luckily, I have fake ones to replace the window spiders decoration.
Yep, I do like power!
The wind blow
the trees fall
a storm did come
streat from hell
Around town
no one was free
it left it's furry
for all to see
STAY safe.
Oh my - that was bad. So glad you are OK, Snaggle. Sorry you had to work those long hours.
Ellis, We were all held captive to the loss of power, some for many days. My SIL in Maine just got it on again Monday! The Hell was being at work with no coffee machine waiting for 7 hours before working as fast as possible... yep, from Hell! Thanks
Lynn, That was taken as I had just gone out the front door here! I'm still recovering from that long work day- At least I will get paid for it, but would rather have slept! Thanks
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