
So many kayaks are around the harbor this year. A rental place opened up at the main beach last year, n so many folks have their own to launch at the nearby ramp it's crazy! They're so popular now. Personally I prefer canoes n rowboats. I have a strange aversion to the plastic stuff. I like wood, but for boating I'd rather use fiberglass n aluminum , as I did when younger.
I especially hate the way you have to sit with legs out in front to use them. I get sore just thinking about that posture... Rowing or paddling with knees bent down I don't mind.
How sore my arms are from work this week has me not even considering such activity. I had a tough time getting thru three guitar tunes today, n really need to work up my practicing routine, but rest seems more important these days.
Basically I won't get to have enough time off for relaxing until summer's over- But we must make hay while the sun shines, it's the price paid for living here. I've been wistful about not having time for much besides getting ready for work . It's cooler this week, n that's a relief but probably I won't swim n will catch up on a few chores instead.
I feel fortunate the wild weather further north in my state this past week spared my area. Sometimes hurricanes on the way will clear out the tourist crowds early, but this season we've been lucky with the weather so far for business.
This week was the Cape Cod Canal 100 year anniversary in Bourne, n traffic has been tied up with parades n fireworks. Guess I'm wistful about missing fireworks for work again too, but at least they showed some of it on the news later.
Have you ever kayaked or canoed. n which do you prefer?
Never kayaked but love canoeing. I am like you, I like being able to sit or kneel and would never be able to get out of one if I had to sit with legs straight for long.
kayaks canoes
what is the defends man
on top of water
they like to stand
With fishes deep
we they watch
Were just Kibble & Bits
floating on the top
In my bath
No fish will find
They won't eat me up
or read this rime
Tabor, Also I dislike being so low to the water, n want to see better. Never mind the roll over thing I guess! I'm with you, would rather canoe!
Ellis. Kayaks cost less, basically. I guess you never put one to the test? I know someone who owns 8 of them! Yep, they'd be close to those sharks... Thanks for the fishy kibble rime!
We have several avid kayakers around here but I much prefer something with a motor. Plus, that leg cramping thing would definitely get me.
My sister loves to kayak - and ruined her camera by putting it in a kayak with her. I've never done it - like you, it doesn't sound comfortable to me. And I'm afraid I would flip over and drown! :)
That is a beautiful photo you posted there. Just beautiful.
Gran Annie, I guess it would be never mind carrying it to the water for you. I like those little two-wheeled hand trailer some folks have for those. Motors are fun until they break down. You have to leave the harbor to go fast here too. It's a no wake zone.
Lynn, You have to flip your sailboat in boating class to learn to right it again. That could be dangerous to not learn first, I think. It's the double seater buddy system for you! I bet you'd like a rowboat in calm conditions.
Thanks, I've had a few really good ones this summer- My cam is acting up too. I finally dropped it on cement for the first time in 7 years. Now sometimes the software won't operate, but I got a few shots since, luckily!
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