Blue Stories

ESR is loaded with current local scenery, many made into strange n colorful altered images. Words describe some of SnaggleTooth's life n opinions. Most poems on ESR are spontaniously written into the editor. Enjoy the sights n whimsey.
Sorry I was late with your last post.
It seems you have touched the photo with your soul.
Did the pic inspire the poem, or did the poem inspire the pic?
Nice poem, and the photo is beautiful too.
Your words complement the picture very well. Keep writing!!!
Beautiful reflection shot, Snaggle, with the perfect words to compliment it.
That is a wonderful photo and your words match perfectly.
I always wonder exactly where that is. It looks so picturesque.
Yep, don't go walking on thin ice. Or let those branches reach for you in the dark of night.
Pretty cool ensemble!
Ellis, worry not, usually you are most prompt. You mean you have a real life outside of Blogging? Thanks
G, I knew I wanted to post that pic. In this case, my pic went up first inspiring the words.
LLcoolJ, Thanks, I really like those blues.
Opaque, Thanks- I'm still wondering how I got to the dark side of the icy cove!
Talon, I almost posted the pic with no words, but they insisted on accompanting it-
Lynn, Thankyou, There are so many inlets, estuaries, harbors, n coves here, even if you drove thru you'd prob never see it. Walking is a must. It's right at one end of my street.
Paige, we've certainly had our fill of chill around here!
JanF, Every time I go down to the snow n icy water's edge, I have that "It's dangerous out here, don't slide in" thought... But I'm always very careful. Thanks
There there, twill be spring soon! *HUG*
My, oh my, so very lovely.
Neo, Twill be cold again tonight n Morrow too. I've been taking vit-D this winter to see if there's a diff.
Gran Annie, Thanks, glad you like it, unaltered n all...
Neo? You missed one! Na-nah!
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