
It was worth freezing my hands out on the D-bridge this evening, waiting awhile for sundown on my way out to errands. The past two weeks sunsets I captured were both very yellow n barren of sky features. I could see earlier the clouds would be partially present today to spice it up a bit...
Why is it I see so many bargains I can't get during rent due week? There were these dwarf Daffodils for $3, the Spielburg "WarHorse" dvd on sale for $20, n huge hams for $10 that I had to pass up at the store today, as I have to wait another week for any extras, n I know they'll all be gone by then! Plus next week will be the after holiday candy sale...
Again I regret I don't get to celebrate Easter due to working all week-end. Not having any free holidays in years is getting pretty old. I really miss the ham dinners my Mother used to have every Easter n wish I could have one. Plus watching Little Ones chase eggs while visiting is always fun. When I was young, I had a few Seder dinners with Jewish friends which was s good time with the wine ceremonial script reading.
I just feel like I'm totally missing out on everything... Well at least I saw the sunset-
Are you having a family dinner?
All of our holiday traditions have changed so much with our children all scattered and sharing their own traditions, which we are welcome to join. It's just so difficult to travel with all our oxygen and breathing machine and medications, so we stay home and wait to hear about their celebrations. Yikes! I just realized how pitiful we sound. Looks like I need to at least enjoy the sunset too. Good idea!
No - no family dinner for me. Both sisters are just too far away. I do love the holiday though.
Gran Annie, ooo you changed your pic- n look surprized! Sorry you don't get in grandkid time. Good thing you have Ron n the critters for company. Sounds like you get to holiday phone visit- I don't have time for that.
Definately go see a lake sunset! You'll feel better.
Lynn, Sorry you don't get to see your sisters. I bet you have a big church to do there. I'll just read some Easter gospel before work with my Sunday prayers.
We're having a family dinner of sorts here this year. Nothing like a screaming kid to put a damper on a day of relaxation.
G, Well perhaps in getting older the little guy (is it Nicholas?) will have learned not to scream at folks so much, n now just runs away... You are lucky to get together! I don't ever relax on a holiday- too much to do (cooking clean-up) even if there's a Day Off- Enjoy your day-
we're having brunch, and by that the husband said, "a ham, a fruit platter and scrambled eggs". wth is that? I need a full meal because I will do nothing but eat all day if that's all that they want to do
MB, Well, you could make ham sandwiches, or scollaped potaoes with ham for dinner, or get some pineapple to go with it.
What about a desert?
I remember sometimes my mother did a turkey also, or a roast beef dinner with gravy n mashed- mmmmm. That's what I realy want, but don't have $20 for one piece of meat for one person!
Good luck with the nibble Day!
Happy Easter!
We didn't really have a family dinner. I had a dumb old head ache.
Can you rent that movie, I mean borrow it from the library?
JanF, aww- sorry about the head-ache, I've had them all week with the allergies too. That movie is too new for rental for another 2 months- But the library wouldn't get it for about a year! I do want to own it... I have a horse collection, you know! Thanks n a better week for you
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