Pink Ripples

Sunrise ripples
Pink on Purple
Out the front window
Soon will be hidden
As leaves awaken

Pink Princess
Adorned jewels of light
In aqua glowing
Serene Queen
Reign in brillance

Trees, eyes
Tubes nose
Blue Alien com portal
Sections highlighted
Outlined Brightly

Branches bar
Frame the sky
So many fragments
A vast puzzle
Of pink ripples
poem by
Your turned pink ripples into art poetry:)
You know your original photos are so stunning you don't need to play around with them at all!
Wow - look at that sky. Lovely.
wakie-wakie, sleepy leaves.
spring has sprung, her intro sung.
Gran Annie, Yes I did, kinda non-fictional fiction! Thanks for noticing-
LLcoolJ, Thanks. But I can't stop wondering what they'll turn into! I really like some of the strange abstracts alot- I've had so much practice at "normal"
Lynn, Thanks. It was even better in person, n I didn't have to leave the kitchen!
Janf, Perhaps even into song... Of course we're doing cold spring again now!
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