Mid Nov Pics

Here's a branch of a very tall shrub in the yard n it's altered cousin, which I really like. We're having such good temps again it's tough to imagine what mid-November is usually like.

So many movies are coming out now I want to see, I wish I had more bux to see them all. There's a new Pirates of the Caribbean On Stranger Tides out on DVD, The Last Harry Potter DVD installment, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part II, n also a new Twilight saga, Breaking Dawn Part I in the theatres. I particulary enjoy movie series.

They remind me of how watching TV shows used to be like when I was growing up- I'm very bored with basic channel pickings, n miss the ongoing stories told in The Brady Bunch, n Happy Days. MASH, Taxi, Alf, ER, these are the shows that made sense to me n grabbed my attention. Who could forget how hilarious Three's Company and One Day At a Time were to see? I also miss the X-files n Star Trek spin-offs.

But all I get to see these days are re-hashed Law & Orders, no match to the old Hill Street Blues, or Forenic shows a shadow of Quincy MD with Jack Klugman. Then we had good Western series with Little House on the Prairie n Doctor Quinn Medicine woman. There were so many good series n sitcoms to follow along with in the old days. I have no patience with the reality TV shows on lately.

The networks also had alot of great TV Movie series such as Roots n Midnight, n who could forget the drama of Dallas n Knots Landing? I'm sure there are few young folks who even knew that JR (Larry Hagman) used to Play "Tony*" (*edit- I messed up n typed:"the second Darren" Which was from Bewitched- see G's comment) on the old I Dream Of Jeannie show. (Hope I got all that right- It's all direct from my fried after work* memory banks).
Entertainment simply isin't keeping up a fast enough pace with the new stuff we're ready for, n rehashing ad-nauseum what we've already seen.

If you don't have money for the the 900 channel Cable deal these days, new shows n movies are very limited. I'll soon get to see one of the films I've waited for. Meanwhile I'm getting sick of the already saw that DVD or tv show thought.
I hope you didn't mind my trail down nostalgia tv lane, I miss that ride. Maybe you even remember some of them...
I don't watch much in the way of television these days, but what I do watch is usually cable and the occasional rerun.
BTW, it was Dick Sargeant who played the second Darin on "Bewitched", although in hindsight Larry Hagman would of made a good Darin.
G, you win the tv trivia prize! that was quick- I actually knew that- I'd meant to write "Tony", n came back to edit but you were fast commenting. Sad how it gives away our age, n how the tired after work brain quickly makes name switches in the brain! Yikes, I must be old! I went to take my shower n my mistake dawned on me... so here I am again. Good catch-
My friend Tereza is from the Czech Republic and grew up watching Dallas and Dynasty. I told her she must have been expecting everyone to be wearing cowboy hats and dresses with big shoulder pads when she moved here as an exchange student. :)
Lynn, I think Sue Ellen n JR Ewing would be very funny Examples of "normal" America! I cut all the shoulder pads out- Mine are already large, n use the foam for crafts like sock puppets sometimes.
Ah the 80's...big hair, big shoulders. What were we thinking?
I am actually starting to get sick of television. Nothing is good anymore. Well I do laugh at MIKE AND MOLLY.
What I liked my grandkids don't. What they like I don't.
Someday they will talk about the great shows they watched and their grandkids will LOL.
Times changes yet so little does.
Gran Annie, I liked TV all the way until about a decade ago when it took a deep slide away from the Baby Boomer audience. The past few years have been tough to enjoy. Especially on a night shift. Mike n Molly must be on while I'm working or sleeping.
Ellis, Hello again, good to see you! Thanks for the prose.
I'd rather watch F-Troop n the Beverly Hillbillies in black n white again than the stuff on lately... Yep- The kids will indeed grow up to find their favorites over-written by the whipper-Snappers too! Boy would thing shake up If I could take over a major network-
nice work!
Aloha from Honolulu
Comfort Spiral
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Yes, I knew that about Bewitched!! But must come back later. Kelly and I going for A little hike before her gymnastics.
But maybe not? :) I thought I did!
I know one thing when my dishes are all stacked up, I wish I could wrinkle my nose like Samantha!!!
Cloudia, Thankyou! Not raining in Honolulu today I bet. Aloha!
JanF, Hope you had a nice hike! I must've seen all the Bewitched episodes a good 20 times, but it wasn't my Fave...
JanF, Me too! n the whole place would be fixed up! But Aunt Agatha n that weird, funny Uncle Arthur would have to go! If only I could remember this well about what happened last week...
I wasn't sure how the tv was up North there. In Vermont n Maine they only had 2 channels to watch in the old days!
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