It's not even Easter yet, n I found an egg-like, bird-head critter in a blue nest by the radio-active green patch with the orange melt-down crater under the psychodelic mushroom cloud, which has closed eyes n is mediating...
N I'm not even doing acid or even drunk!
Maybe I'm just a tad paraniod of the Japan Nuclear reactor thing going on... .
Perhaps a nice, normal looking paint effect will calm my nerves. (I hope Japan doesn't soon resemble the above pic). I've been hearing about the nuke plant workers doing their duty calmly, even tho they know it's a death sentence gig.
My job definately would not hold the same importance in my brain were something to start melting down... I'd leave ASAP-

Tho I hear "There is no danger" somehow I'm still expecting fall-out...
(This is the original pic of the ones above)
March 28 2011, ABC's World News Now reports this early a.m. that radioactive rainwater was found after testing in Massachusetts this week. The report links the result to fallout from the Japan disaster.
The egg of life
the mushroom of death
before us two stand
and one went ahead
Yes normal is sometimes best
for abnormal is stander
when will the two not be the same
or brothers unite
If the government says it’s okay RUN FOR IT
We always fear what we cannot see until it is too late.
I was just thinking the same thing yesterday about the workers - true heroes. I just hope all their efforts aren't for naught.
I'm with Ellis - when the government insists it's fine, you just know it's bad.
Yes - those workers putting themselves in such grave danger is astounding.
Ellis, I like your version alot! Especially how you ended it... Sad how funny that is-
Tabor, The scary part about radiation is it's invisible! Not it's effects tho. I remember those school drills- when putting your head under the desk was supposed to protect you from a nuclear blast... Thanks
Talon, Lets hope someone gets to live because of their sacrifice! Awful how the Japanese Govmt put on the sugar coating in understatement PSB announcements-
Lynn, Much of life seems an effort in futility- but that is too much to ask from anyone! The Japanese are bound by duty tho- n dis-honor is unacceptable.
You know, you really need to share the drugs!!!
Neo, it could be radiation poisoning...
Note: a google Image search for "japan nuclear reactor" turned up the second pic here according to "Stats" tab
came up again on google Images in search for "acid mushroom cloud pictures" eh-eh! Very popular image
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