March In

Writing about Cantonese manuals somewhere in blogland (Jannie's), this reminds me of a plum-colored rice patti worker... I'm hungry too!
Once in Visual Design class, I was assigned a calender page for the month of March in a collaborative project. I went thru a lion / lamb phase, but then decided to focus on the end of Winter with crystal pics, n the beginning of Spring with pics of actual metal springs... Sorry all that old school stuff is hard-copy packed away somewhere.
I do remember having alot of fun playing with the spring collection I amassed tho...
Here in the throes of some windy, cold, winter weather it's tough to imagine the end of the month may show Tiger Lilly sprouts again... I'm already wondering which plants out on the deck will magically revive themselves this spring. I haven't been out on the deck for three months, due to not wanting to let the heat out the upstairs door. Until yesterday, it was too icy to even try. Now it's too blustery. I hope this calender month gets me outdoors more. Just contemplating springs arrival brightens my mood-

This old sailboat has been moored out there all winter for many years. The above altered image was made from this pic.
Here's to hoping Winter Marches out, n Spring Marches in!
It's funny - I used that phrase for March in my blog post this morning. It definitely came in like a lion during the night here.
I always love your beautiful pics and look forward to seeing those Tiger Lilies when their sprouts appear.
I think of your creations from photographs as their unseen auras.
It looks like the is some monster overhead.
Lol, really cool image, i do like it
I just read that Spring in our area will be much delayed this year compared to last and I can believe it. We have some sunshine this morning so the lamb is here, but now I fear the lion making its way here for the end of the month!
Shoot, I just click on your blog and Jim calls for me to run home and help with an errand.
I'll be back, when I'm back!
I did read your first paragraph. I think he looks like a dancer on a raft.
Like all thinks winter or even March they come and go. Will maybe not a old sailboat still moored.
Winter has been very long here in the UK. It's still cold and wet. I'm looking forward to better weather.
I must say it wasn't that great in AZ last week either. Ok warmer than here, but still damp and chilly.
Note: Don't know why blogger wouldn't let me into comments over 2 hours! Had to sign in first- weird! But here finally
Lynn, Great minds think alike! Months do get alot of Cliche` tags as the years go by. Tiger Lillies were up early last year. Won't be long now.
Gran Annie, an entirely new way of seeing them, thanks. Interesting way to see it-
ArtsWeb, I see the looming green one also, but am hoping its a pile of money chasing me, cause green symbolizes riches! Thanks
Talon, Actually the first is Meteoroligal spring, at least. Yep, I heard the icy air is coming in again too. I'll be really happy with more daylight at least! Good luck for warmth soon up North, at least a thaw!
JanF, You're seeing alot of dance parties n dancers lately... Did you get to dance at the Gala? See you again soon... That's the thing about remodeling... alot of gopher service required!
Ellis, That poor old watercraft has spent many lonely months in that icy bay all alone just waiting for a ride in the breeze. Withouth months I might get lost in all this cold air...
LLcoolJ, for awhile there I thought you'd be in the 6 inches snow now! You know AZ NEVER rains? Still cold in UK too, eh? A long wintry time we're all having anyhow! Better play some hot tunes to dance n warm up! Thanks
I got to dance for about 20 seconds at The Gala, I had agreed with Jim beforehand on a time to leave. (We were in the same car on the way home, him having been dropped off about 7:00 by a buddy.)
We left at 9:45.
Oh well, in life we have to miss a dance or two.
JanF, 20 seconds? Must been some frantic moves! lol No wonder you're having dancing dreams...
I'd prob adjust the schedule 5 minutes for one song... or continue at home- Thanks
I see a... WAIT A MINUTE... too easy! ;)
Neo, Do you see a sailbaoat again? Wonder why I posted it...
13 ;)
Neo, you are again the king of 13, happy?
*stands mightily*
Neo, Here let me crown you! Whap-
Neo, don't forget the kingly music before fade...
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