
Ever since I saw the second LOR trilogy film, "The Two Towers" I've been calling the large Maple tree out front near the kitchen MapleBeard, due to the face n arms visible on the trunk just below the deck. (Face with snow).
Above is Maplebeard taken out the kitchen window nine days ago, with just a hint of turning leaves.
Opaque, Looking a bit more menacing in the third...
Things change fast.
from green to yellow
or young to old
Even face n arms
who seems to move
very slow changes
The trees are definitely not as vibrant this year, but Maple Beard looks beautiful in his lighter version of fall finery and looks mysterious in the paint shop version :)
Pretty cool, Snaggle. And I like the name of the tree.
Ellis, Wow, Maplebeard has indeed become humanized in your poetry!
Talon, I've got ancient Family Photos in front of the brightest Yellow-orange Maplebeard has ever been, n this year is pretty dull in comparison! But still pretty to see. I felt a need to make the shop-bright vesion!
Lynn, Thanks- A post that took over a week of planning! I've always liked MapleBeard alot.
Ahhhh, yes MapleBeard. So beautiful. And changing. Hope to see it in person some day!
Have you ever tapped it for sugar? :)
wonderful tree
JanF, The wood-pecker n hurricanes have changed it more than you know- I've been here for over 20 years n watched him get huge in that time. I haven't tried to eat maplebeard yet, but feed him...
Paige, yes, especially in Autumn- It occurred to me some newer readers had no idea who MapleBeard was...
vibrant, Snaggle T
Aloha from Hawaii
Comfort Spiral
Cloudia, Thanks for the visit! I heard you won a free CD this week- congrats!
Lush colours. With such density in the branches, it must paint a pretty sight once the colours change.
Hello Anil, thanks for another visit! Yes, the tree colors each Autumn are the best part about being in New England's temperate climate.
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