
I've been sleeping alot better recently, (thanks for all those prayers, btw) even with the high humidity n heat happening (80s F). I've been feeling very exhausted. The folks downstairs have been away for a week now- Not sure if it'll be for the summer yet. Mischief n I are sure enjoying all the quiet...
Before they left, they decided to shut off the hose water inside the basement. (I can't turn it back on-) I'm really sick of folks making descisions that directly affect me (n not them) without ever saying a thing about it to me! I called the owner to complain in hopes the water gets turned back on sometime soon.

The list of can'ts without hose water seems really long in the heat: rinsing sand off toes, watering plants, cleaning pollen off Little Truck, washing deck, washing garden planters, washing rugs, n just plain cooling off would all be really good about now!
My arms are sore lately, n carrying many x-milk jugs of water for the plants outside daily is driving me absotootly nuts!


They taste alot like mulberries. No gritty seeds are in them. It's been years since I've tried some.



The Tiger Lillies are on the prowl all over the place, n the Bramble Roses are beginning to burst into bloom finally, even after getting run over last winter, n repeatedly knocked down by the folks downstairs who have zero regard for plants... (or me either). It would really help if I could water all of these (except Mishief) with the hose...

But at least I'm getting more uninterrupted sleep than I've had in over nine months...
(n that's something to appreciate)...
And thus, the adventures in fun have now begun.
I was thinking that even though the plant watering is a pain right now, there is such a great silver lining with those neighbors away. I am so glad you are getting uninterrupted sleep. Love all the flower pics. :) And Mischief is certainly cute, isn't he?
Yay! for the neighbors being away (may they stay away for weeks and weeks!) and you finally getting some quality shut-eye. Mischief is obviously enjoying :) Isn't it great to see the flower color everywhere?
I wish some of the rain we've been having would head down your way and give you a break from watering!
G, Yes, adventures in the desert... In this heat tho I'm not amused at extra chores- but somehow, I'm not surprized at their little trick.
Lynn, wish I had more time before work for the extra trips around instead of the quick squirt I used to do. I'm very glad the kids are out- I'm pathetically sleep deprived. ope the flowers n little trees make it with less water.
Mischief is so much more relaxed without the kids too-
Talon, Yippie yahoo- the miracle wonder of a quiet summer week! (that almost never occurs )! I want them to return for 5 minutes n turn on my hose! It's hot- n hardly any rain all week!
Now I have the plants going well- I'd sure love to play hose them down instead of jug carrying all over. By all means, I'll welcome all the rain you send! Thanks
Ahhh, sleep. Im so glad to hear that, Snaggle.
Not so glad to hear about the water tap being shut off, that's a pain carrying water.
Mischief looks happy.
Nice looking veggie babies -- hope you get to eat the veggies of your labor, and not the squirrels. Hope you get to eat VEGGIES I mean, not that you eat get to squirrels. :)
JanF, yep, now if only I had more time off work n could sleep late- Can't make up for all that lost Z-time in just a few days, but it's an improvement.
I don't have the time to water every day. I was just out in the dark dodging skunks to do a few. Everywhere but here has been getting some rain.
You reminded me of the look on Granny Klampet's face while running around with the rifle after Squirrel pie...
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