The second week of May one year ago, I took this splashy cloud-cover shot at fav beach. We've been getting strong winds the past few days, n I haven't spent much time outdoors. I long to visit the spacious sights there again soon.
Hopefully this week on Day Off (a few days away still) it'll decide not to rain on my parade as it did last week!
Why is it the rain keeps showing up for my free time, then it gets warm n sunny for back to work time again- making me wistfully long to play hookey as I go into work?
I don't know, Snaggle, sometimes I think just the opposite - just recently there was wistfulness over a rainy Saturday in which I was on the road to help out family, but wished I could camp out and watch movies. (I didn't mind going, but do love a rainy Saturday sometimes.)
It's the work version of Murphy's Law.
Day off? Crappy weather.
Work day? gorgeous weather.
Believe it or not, our lake is that choppy these days.
Today, was a wonderful sunny day we walked in a park and it was great..
Dorothy from grammology
We've had a really wet weekend, but when I was djing last night the sun decided to come out, and I lost half my crowd outside in the gardens for most of the evening!! Sod's law.
I'll keep my fingers crossed for sunny skies on your day off, Snaggle. We're just thrilled that today the temp climbed above 50. More clouds than sun, but the sun sure does make a day sweeter.
Lynn, Rainy days are good to have a low key day, but tough on the 2do list! Of course driving in rain isin't much fun either! (but better than snow!)
G, Ah ha! I knew I could count on you to have a good explaination of this dilemna! My lawn is now a foot tall too!
Grannie Annie, Very windy there too? i hope the Chix didn't blow too far away... I used to visit Lake Champlain in Vermont which can look this ominous also- Very tempermental in the gales large waters are-
Dorothy, I want my walk like that one! Lucky you! It was nice but still very windy today,n a workday- I'm trying to get out for more local scenery pics opprtunities.
LLcoolJ, I heard that volcano smoke has been plagueing the UK skies this week. Of course the rain would mask it- Must be warm there lately for every one to go outdoors- or they're all smokers! That must not feel good- but they could prob still hear the tunes at least :)
Talon, Thanks! one more worknight to go... Then I want a nice photo walk! I see my prayers for your weather finally got anwered! Yay! It's still a bit cool here, but the folks from Vermont next door visiting think it's balmy, lounging outside!
I do like the rain. Of course we get so mcuh sun. I do agree a rain-soaked beach is not the best place to be. :)
Supposed to rain here a BUNCH this week.
My fingers are crossed with Talon's for sun for you.
And for your work machines to stop breaking!
i feels all tinglie on my feets, they falled asleep wile i was bloging.
see yoo soon!
Blue Bunny
Right I have a wave for you Snaggle...
Click to find out.
- Neo
JanF, Guess the heat from closer Sun can be oppressive there, like it felt when I was visiting Miami- couldn't wait to get back in Little Trucks AC zone at times.
The forecast calls for overcast again... but thanks
Stay Cool!
BB, Wemember to Wiggle toes wen Blogging!
Neo old friend, what've you been up too? You know I'll go see...
beautiful ocean waves.
lovely post!
Jingle, Thanks- When the ocean is in constant motion n noise that way, it can be mesmerizing (n very cold)!
Neo, twiddling thumbs another day...?
thank you! i wigling my feets this minit!!
yoo so smart
BB, You could type with your toes maybe...
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