On local beach walks I sometimes find some nifty sea critter shells n bring them home. One winter I found mounds piled up at fave beach, along with the plentiful seaweed
(as previously reported on ESR).

Some shells n rocks make it to my kitchen windowsill or table collection. I enjoy perusing their colors, shapes n textures on a regular basis. The wonders of invertebrate creation never gets old. Quartz in many shades is pretty. Worn shells n Mother of Pearl shines beautifully. These natural objects amuse n inspire me.
A couple years ago I decided to deposit some of my plentiful specimens in a small corner of the front garden, which is a shady spot most of the day. Most plants haven't done well there.
I've transplated some Tiger Lillies, Lillies of the Valley, little hybrid evergreens, n Boston Ferns there.
Whelk shells are a favorite, n I always cart them back. There's oysters, clams, scallops, razor clams, coggs, crabs, snails, lady Slippers, n some colorful rocks. I'm not too picky about their placement, as little ones like to pick some out n play sometimes, n critters like to steal the shells also. They seem to favor small crab shells, even tho empty of meat.

The leaves got raked off again not long ago, n I had to take a pic to play with Paintshop Pro color effects again... Just to see what would happen-
Hope there's more good shell specimens from beach walks all over to add in this year.
Why doesn't everyone have a shell garden?
Such pretty shells - I'll bet it is fun to walk along the beach and pick them up.
So neat! If I lived near the ocean, I'd definitely have a shell garden. Around our area, rock gardens are popular in areas where there's deep shade.
Well, by george!! I'm gonna start a shell garden too, lord knows we have enough of those kicking around.
Yours looks SWEET!!
Lynn, The best are upstairs, but I've plenty to spread around. It's tough finding good ones to bring back sometimes-
Talon, Do you ever collect colorful rocks? I always do- Well at least I finally found plants that do well there-
JanF, Good luck- They do wear n break after a few years- Then the best ones dissappear sometimes. I think it needs more shells again- I need more! Thanks
cute shells,
how precious!
Jingle, I love my shells- thanks
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