Knee High

The little evergreen tree in a flower pot on my (second story) deck is just over a foot tall. I put it up on the deck rail, n angled my Digi-Cam from below to justapose it against MapleBeard n the pollinating Oaks across the road.
I'm sure if the little about six-year-old tree could talk, he'd aspire to be sixty feet tall like his grown-up neighbors...
Neat angle. I like that you made the little tree feel sixty feet tall, Snaggle!
Talon, Thanks, that's one of the little hybrid trees I saved from the lawn. I love my little trees! I think of them as having personalities...
Maybe he will be one day...
Ahhh, he looks like a giant.
This post reminds me of one of our favorite books, The Littlest Christmas Tree. He wished to be big, but because was so little became a little boy's favorite tree, and they grew together over the years.
What's little guy's personality?
wonder why there is a link to you from my newest post?
drop by and find out :-)
Oh, love the photos
Lynn, Ihpe so- I aspire to have my own yard where I don't have to worry about plant haters cutting everything down!
JanF, an almost 13" giant... right in the middle height of the collection- one of the greener ones. Hm, don't think I ever read that book! Robust, n rolley polley (in the strong wind)
Paige, ooo~ I wondoer too- Now if I could hurry up n load!
Paige, thanks. Glad you liked my pretty colors!
i rolley polley too, so says my jannie.
also she say my persinallity is friskie, butt sensitiff.
xoxo again.
They are absolutely beautiful and what great shots you got the colors are fantastic.
Dorothy from grammology
BB aka JanF, I hope your butt isin't too sensitif to sit down!
Dorothy, thankyou for the visit. Glad you liked my pic work. i'll go check out Grammology.
Awwww. What an adorable little tree. So cute that you helped him to feel tall! :)
Where would we be without evergreens? And where would we be without photoshop? :D
ThommaLynn, thanks- One of the 10 mixed blood orphans I have on the deck, which was rescued years ago from the lawn-
LLcoolJ, Without green all winter! N I'd have to hand-color extra prints instead, tediously taking hours n days of time. I'd have never thought of these color combos tho- I love the surprizes I find to share- Thanks
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