Here's a "Before Digi" photo, taken back in September '07 at my fav beach during sunset at low tide. I really like all the different textures I managed to squeeze into the frame. It was a rare thing to get back a bad photo on real film those days of using throw-away (800 asa) cams. I made each shutter release count, n used almost every shot taken.
For the longest period of time all year, I haven't taken any new photographs. Two weeks seems like forever. Since I got my digi cam about a year ago, I've spent almost every Day Off deciding what to capture in the interest of keeping my readers entertained. Of course, I may've been more amused than ESR viewers, because I enjoyed the activity, especially the excuse to wander about observing.
The past several weeks I've been hard pressed to do anything extra. Every Day Off has been tired, n full of things needed to do. In the past two weeks, all my awake time on Day Off has been rainy, overcast, n my outdoor activities limited to after dark. I haven't felt inspired by any sights that screamed "Picture!"
All the leaves here are down now. The yard raking isin't done, altho much energy was put into night-raking the road out front to make it less treacherous when vehicles zoom over the hill.
Until I'm more rested, n there are less clouds in the afternoons, there's no hope of getting out for walking sunshine shots nearby. The price of fuel is down finally, thank goodness! But, Little Truck needs more work for me to feel I can take extra side trips. I'm making all kinds of excuses, but most can be chaulked up to not feeling as good without enough rest, nutrition, n sunshine.
I could cure all this if I didn't have to work to pay the rent... Oh well, I'm sure there's plenty of other fine sights to show at my fingertips, altho not current, (which I prefer), sitting here on Puter from the Old Days. This time of year, it'll be more likely I'll pull some of these out of my hat.
It's nice to see the Sun on Bloggy, even if it's hiding from me in real life.
I have had my camera in my car, and have yet to stop to take a picture. This just is not a very photographic fall.
Here's to rest, and better photo ops next year!
Did you scan this? It looks really great. I would love to walk along that beach very much. Hopefully one day I will.
Xray, I haven't even bothered bringing the cam lately. Now the landscape seems drab. Here, here! (Guzzle OJ)
Jan, When film developing, CVS now offers to make a CD for under $3 bux, which is what I did for ESR until last December. Seach the archives, n you will find tons taken of this "fav" beach. Some scans were posted in '05 of old photos, n of actual fall leaves.
Oh that's cool! My hubby uses Walgreen's for uploading and such.
Me, I can get free scanning at the library and e-mail them to myself. Cool. And I'll probably start doing that with all the old photos i've got in boxes, well not with all of them, just the ones I'll be using in blogs.
Jan, I have a scanner now, but it still n needs driver upload for xp. I didn't realize I have two posts named "Leaf Me" until I searched my archives, there's a scan there in of leaves.
Our library just got closed down to 20 hours per week in budget cuts!
you rake at night?????
David, yes! My neighbors are used to it-
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