Out front MapleBeard is looking pretty cool this week. I haven't seen such vibrant color since the time we took fall fam pics on the deck to give out for Xmas, way back in the mid-'90s. In recent years, it's been too dry n the moth catepillars had caused alot of leaf damage, muting in a browner Autumn hue.
Yesterday was pouring, today is chillin' in the 40s. I'm wearing so many layers in an attempt to feel warm, I feel like an onion! This am we're expecting the first freeze here. By the ocean, we're usually the last in New England to frost.
I went out n covered the few, still flowering plants on the deck with plastic, so maybe they'll get some more bloom time in during the upcoming week, when it'll get warmer again. I still haven't picked seeds from them for next year. The herbs are all in the house ready for harvesting again.
The people downstairs haven't made it down to button up their part of the house for winter time, n it's getting cold now. I'm kinda annoyed I just spent hours of my Day Off putting down their storm windows, n finding the glass inserts for the front screen door. All the windows down there were stuck, some were missing sash cords, n the storm sliders had stuck spring-locks. Also, the dust down there is thick, n I'm very allergic to it. (Sinus head-ache-) Their heat is still totally off, with a locked thermostat. They better get it turned on before pipe-freeze time.
If I want to stay warm up here, n not pay more than I have to, it's important to cut down on the breeze a bit- So I wasted some of my own weather stripping on the gaps down there, too. I just finished paying for last year's heat this week! (Yikes)! So you know, I'll not be basking in here until next summer... Unless I suddenly become wealthy, that is! (Crankin' the heat to 70F is the first thing I'd do)!
When I did my very short errand run, I kept smelling burning things. (Makes me react, "Fire!") Alot of folks are doing wood n pellet burning around here. Wish I could, with a forest full of hard wood across the road. But I don't have a hearth or pipe-flue to accommodate the apparatus. It's all electric n expensive up here.
Again, I have to work on Halloween evening, n will miss all the fun with the kids. Next week is another six-day workweek because of the holiday orders.
I'm going to find a movie to watch, n try to lose this head-ache...
"The People Downstairs," below you. I picture them as druid-like, all caped up and cloaked darkly, never really seeing their faces much. And I think they not so much walk, as shuffle, while muttering their unintelligible language in jagged whispers? is that them?
Upside, you get the benefit of their rising heat. Drill some tiny holes all over the floor when they finally get it turned on and let it drift up to you.
Electric heat, eh? Sucks. Spent my first 26 years in Canada so I know 'bout cold.
We alway sput clear plastic on the insides of the windows.
How long have you lived in Cape Cod?
I love when the row of Maples by my house turn color. Last year, they timed it better, and they all changed in a wonderful symphony. This year it seems all the trees are totally disorganized, some have lost all of their leaves, while others have just begun to change.
I pray they come turn the heat on downstairs before they make the pipes freeze! The last thing you need is that!
wood stove installer seeks work. hearths and piping can be arranged, paying the electric company for heat should be illegal.
wishing you well. maybe the Lottery?
JanFun, they're the loud, drunken, summer boaters who have a month long party every July, then dissappear before any real repairs are done- Their heat is locked "Off" right now! There are already plenty of holes for drafts n no insulation between the apts- There is plastic all over up here already- I've been here part-time since '75 n full-time since '78.
Xray, The same here, too! Some are bare, all the maples have turned, but the oaks are hanging green still. Thanks, because yes, my water pipes do run thru their walls, n it's happened before...
David, Wish I had a suitable spot for that in this little place- hope you're little space is warmer than mine! Thanks
Wow, 30 years. The same house?
JanFun, This town 30 years,this house only since '86
are people on the cape able to do much solar heating, or is it too cloudy in winter?
22 years. I bet you've seen those trees grow a lot.
Where I live there are no 'people downstairs', but instead there are the jerk-wads next door! Oh well, I do miss the autumn colors...but not the cold, which unfortunately, we just started getting yesterday.
David, A few people have panels for hot water. We def have alot more wind then sun- sometimes we're in the fog all day due to water proximity-
JanFun, You still don't know about my deck trees in barrels, n all the babies saved from the lawn, then the ones I planted around town... Trees are my friends-
Fleen, I guess MB may be snowed in as we write- I hope the chill doesn't interfere with the backyard orange crop again! I don't think there's such a thing as non-annoying neighbors!
Nice writing, enjoyed it!
On a slight tangent: If you ever go live in a place where in winters the temperature doesn't dip much then you will miss the winters as badly as anything. Winters' memory is unendurably wistful.
Rhett, Thanks for the compliment. I think no matter where I go from here, I'll miss this place! My sisters in Florida don't miss the winter snow n ice much, they claim. As an artist, I know I would. The same stuff all year is just too uninspiring.
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