...Thank my older daughter for the rainbow shot she took about an hour ago just outside after the lightening storm here. We had the puter off for awhile until it was over, Let's not fry this one... Thanks for the rainbow, Creator. I've had more than my share to view this summer. This one was a complete half-circle across the sky.
...I wonder what "Flossie" will do in Hawaii this week...
There's a woman with bright blond hair n her bro with red who ride bikes around here n collect empty cans for the nickles. Her name's Flossie, too.
Perhaps we're due for a good one this year also. Time will tell.

I hope to make it back to my fav beach in a swim suit again soon. Of course, I'm getting low-tide days n storms for day-off lately.
Good news! A dude is working on my machine to replace the power supply n possibly a processor chip which it may've damaged by over-heating. I should have it back in a week or two tops. I really (really, really, really) miss having it at home at my disposal. I've just been blog-absent for two-weeks in a row due to full schedules unable to synch-up to get over here.
I entertained thoughts of renting a powerbook for a week, but need the bux to fixer-up the old one, which is way cheaper than buying a whole new box.
I'm looking forward to catching up on all my fav reads of my fav people ASAP. Hope to not be missing you all soon. You'll certainly notice when I'm back home-
Here's to the treasure at the end of the rainbow, n the promise not to flood me out.... (Green tea, gulp)!
Crossin my fingers still for you, hope to see you around more.
LOL, every time I pop by you're talking about beaches and rainbows. I need to get my butt down there and enjoy some of that! Ahaha :)
Amen to that! I've been busy as well, although the weather has been spectacular... only five days over 100 so far this summer!
I like that rainbow shot, it brings back memories of always searching for that pot of gold. Little did I know that I had already found it!
Coming from the queen of absences, don't worry about not being around so much. Life can be busy that way, and we understand. Look at me, I took almost 3 months off.
Love the rainbow picture, and conjured up the same thoughts as Mike.... looking for the pot of gold is always a venture once you see a rainbow. How can one think of anything else?
Go green tea.... Gotta love it's magical powers!
What a beautiful rainbow!!! I haven't seen any here this summer at all, which is rare.
I hope everything works out with your puter. I miss you!!!
yeah.. the over heating thing sucks.. we've gone through that before.. and not realized that was teh problem until after we had replaced everything in the computer first!
Snag - Replacing the cooling fan might be a good idea too. But I'm sure he knows that. Good luck! I miss having ya around
Peace & Hugs,
- Neo
Missing you, hope that all goes well..
Rainbows always make my day :) Thanks for sharing :)
Janus, Thanks, soon!
K, Some (day) where over the rainbow-
Mike, You're a lucky guy, alright! No triple-d's here yet- Buzy as a bee me too-
Ellen, hope I don't beat your record! Where IS that gold?
Fleen, Thanks! Soon- really!
MB, I paid for a diagnosistic, so hopefully they get all the stuff needed-
Neo, Thanks for the suggestion, no they didn't...
Xray, I really miss you (all) too! Soon!
Zoey, anytime! I've certainly had my share of nature's wonders this year.
Neo, hi-yo
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