Tuesday, July 11, 2006

How Convenient

Well the date is 7-11,... (like the store-)


Alot has been goin on around here since Independence Day.


There's a guy I enjoy visiting after work some early a.m. s at a local convenience store on the way home. I always show up exhausted n messy from the job, but he never minds how I look, n always takes time to chat with me. He had a few unexpected nights off last week. I finally tracked him down again the a.m. of the 10th. My buddy, Brian, at the Cumbies Store, was a bit shaken up by a fight that occurred there after the fireworks I'd missed. I had noticed the place roped off n surrounded by Police cars on my way home.


Last year an out-of-towner was stabbed n killed after that show.

This year's violence fatality was a townee, a 53 year-old man (I've known from over 20 years earlier), who was attacked on Brian's watch at the convenience store. He was hit with the plastic lottery scratch-ticket display case, which had sharp corners, n died from his injuries. Brian feels bad because the dude died, even after he 'd stopped the fight, administered first aid, n did what he could to help. He even had to close down the store because it was "A crime scene."


The Perp, also a townee, now in custody, according to Brian, had followed the victim there from a bar right down the street from my house. He'd accused the victim, who was a builder, of ripping him off before the attack. I personally don't believe that guy could've intentionally ripped anyone off! He was happy-go-lucky, easy-going, good with his kids, even-tempered, n friendly.


It's difficult to imagine that anything the man did would warrant deserving to be bludgeoned to death. Very sad, especially for his family.


I took a good, long listen to Brian's account. We also took a good gander at how the new display case is bolted to the counter, as it should've been to begin with. We also walked around trying to figure out if anything else in there could be used as a lethal weapon in the future. Brian will be reporting recommendations to the corporate HQ. He's having a few issues with the ever-changing store management, n the fact that night there was no one in charge available to call!


Anyone who takes on the over-night-shift solo in a 24-hour store has my respect. It's alot of risk n responsibility. You never know who will walk in the door, n what they're capable of.


Convenience store employees, thanks for all you do!


Then yesterday, I see on the TV news another tragedy, another senseless death.


I've always hated going through tunnels in Beantown. Many people I know have traveled repeatedly that very way on many airport-run occasions since the "Big-Dig" project was undertaken.


http://www.thebostonchannel.com/news/  9495876/detail.html#

Ceiling panels collapsed in the lead-in- connector tunnel of Route 90, (Mass Pike) East-Bound (near exit 25), just before the "Ted Williams Tunnel" leading to Logan Airport. Several 3-ton cement n steel panels fell on a vehicle, instantly crushing to death Milena Devalle, 38, while her hubby driving, walked away with minimal injures.

http://www.thebostonchannel.com/news/  9495876/detail.html#

How random is that unluckiness? - to have been there at such a wrong instant to have your life ripped away?!


Modern Continental built the tunnel, n no doubt is about to be bankrupt with lawsuits n rebuilding costs. The steel hangers, or tie-ins, uniquely used to hold panels in that section are reportedly in another possible 17 other Big-Dig locations. The company was accused not long ago with using out-dated cement mix (sub-graded quality) in the project.


Watch out, folks, our Governor of MA, Mitt Romney, may decide to take a run for oval office one of these days soon. He's taking legal action to oust the Chair man of the Turnpike Authority, who before right now, was self-solvent n did not answer to the Gov's office.


So the tunnels used to be convenient, now they may be proven deadly! Who want's to go in next? Knock on wood n cross the fingers, make a wish, n pray you're spared!

T.F. Green Airfield in Warwick, RI, doesn't require any tunnel travel for those who feel unlucky, though it's a little inconvenient...


At 7:11 AM, Blogger Milk Brain said...

an incredible week all around. the boston thing made nat'l news yesterday i guess... jay caught it. the story also explained that the attorney general is going to prosecute all the people involved iwth this with involuntary manslaughter. several of us out here were like, good.. it needs to be done. it's getting way to unsafe in boston these days!

At 7:27 AM, Blogger Ellen said...

Holy moley..... what a disaster that whole "dig" turned out to be. I hope they fry the butt off the construction company that allowed the sub-grade job to go through. Once again, it shows the greed of people, and karma will catch up with them. I did hear about the account poor grade usage of cement all the way down here and thought, what's next? Sadly, a woman loses her life just going about it. Wrong place, wrong time.... such a terrible tragedy over greed.

Sorry to hear about the other fatality in your neck of the woods. Once again, greed and anger make bad bedfellows. I feel for the people who have to work those graveyard shifts where they are exposed to the crazies of the night. Who would have ever thought you had to bolt down the works in your store, because someone needed to use it as a weapon? Isn't it bad enough that they have to worry about the idiots carrying guns?

At 5:46 PM, Blogger Snaggle Tooth said...

MB, Well, the Turnpike Authority, headed 4 years now by Matt Amorello, is only one part of the Big-Dig picture, because other structures using the same system of tie-ins were not overseen by them, just the Pike tunnels now in question.
Do ya realize that's right where the exit is we took to get to Kris n Dave's wedding? There's been many reports of falling debris the past several years. What a crap shoot...
Like I said, I've always hated those tunnels!

Ellen, The killed woman was the mother of 3, n they were going to pick-up the hubby's brother returning from vacation in Costa Rica (which place is co-incidentally on a coffee mug I've been using for work the past 6 months... think I'll switch mugs-)

The dude who hurled the display has a long sheet in the public Police logs, n weighs over 250 pounds. The likeable man who was murdered (btw MB-)painted the out-side of our old Weweanic house back in the 80's. He left behind a canvas tarp I cut-up n used the back of to do paintings on!

Having to work that shift with no back-up person to call in an emergency is just plain scary! There's another girl at a diff store in the town's center with no one to call also- I feel worse for her!


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