
There was a siesmic event and volcanic eruption reported in Alaska yesterday, in the very active Pacific rim region. The news had a long distance dramatic ariel of the large smoke plume. Usually volcanic discharge makes for more colorful sunsets until the ash n gases disipitate months later.
In the middle of doing kitchen chores I'd had that feeling n knew it, too. Just never know where it's happening til I look it up or hear about it on the news. The tell-tale feeling I get is physical n emotional. It seems like all the fluid inside my body is mini-mixing although nothing else around me is moving. Because of it I feel kind of sea-sick, then dread.
Once years ago, I awoke from a memorable, vivid close-up dream featuring a large n heavy open-top box with a layer of lumpy, brown-skinned potatoes in it, being violently n quickly shaken back n forth, causing the potatoes to roll loudly, roar, n rumble. The shaking was deafening. I'd suddenly awakened to the TV news map reporting a large earthquake which took many lives. At the time of the Mexico City Event, I'd been studying Mayan Meso-American Art History. Many pieces of antiquity n architectural structures I'd learned were lost for-ever.I always remember those potatoes rumbling every time I feel that inner shake.
The weather couldn't be nicer for a winter day on Cape Cod. Very mild breeze, warm in the upper 40 n 50 degree range almost all week, a real beauty. Shut the heat off, opened the window, n spent as much time outdoors as possible. After the past several years of coldest n snowiest winters, I'm not complaining. I'm sure this won't last.
I've been keeping busy sorting through clothes n stuff. In things from my parents house I was surprised to find an old, well-worn, crumpled Marvel Spiderman comic book from my childhood I'd no idea was here. It has EBay written all over it, if I could just hurry n get the machine to work with me. Spent all night to do this, see below.
I'm looking forward to the Patriot's play-off game Saturday Night against the Denver Bronco's at Mile-High Stadium.
Snaggle- I hopped over to MB's and saw that she had the weather forecast up. Isn't this kind of considered a heat wave up there?... especially for this time of year? Wow, I don't ever remember have 50 degree weather in the NE winters. Glad it's been nice for you!
So you have that built in premonition stuff too, huh? Yours is more physical than mine though.
Sometimes it's scary, and sometimes it comes in very handy!
I call it my built-in radar.
That sorta sixth sense thing can be frightening, can't it? I, too, get feelings like that. Not really as intense as you do, but about things that directly affect me and people I know. It's really strange. Maybe it is these sorts of strange things that bind all of us in our "e-circle" together. That's some food for thought! ;o)
Ellen, ya they're callin it a January Thaw, but so long is strange. Why I think maybe there's a tie-in with the volcanoe eruption, melting of the polar ice caps, n loss of Alaskan permafrost, that ground used to always stay frozen to 4 feet down where people would store perishable food in a hole...
Can feel somethings, not others!
Never helps me any...
Better than Gaydar...
Interesting Jinsy, there always seems to be a reason I meet who I do at total random, like we're playing an in-mind-chess-game but we don't know we are or why...
As ya realize, knowin things can be good n bad. Luckily, nothing's set in stone. Maybe we're here to change an alternate outcome...?
Life's still a mystery, even with the strong hints we're getting...
wow... your keyboard is working!
glad i don't live in alaska right now.. living next to pending doom doesn't sound like fun to me.... just watched the news and all of oklahoma is in the shitter right now. they really need some rain out there... worst drought in 50 years and everything is up in flames... which is worse.. i don't know...
Ya MB, so far this week I heard of Rain, mudslides, drought, fires, n tornados nationally this week, we seem to be in a good spot at the moment.
The keyboard freezes when I don't go online, n when it's chillier. When I'm just tryin to write n type it dies before I can finish 1 sentence...
I used the copy paste right-click on some of that post...
chippin away at probs here
BTW seems when I made that "Gaydar" remark, I didn't know I was refering to the trouble at Daily Mess, cause I hadn't read it yet til 2 days later... now I know!
Snag -Sounds like one scary dream.
Good luck with ebay.
Peace & Hugs,
- Neo
Hi Neo, Thankz can use all the luck I can get this week!
Woweeeeeee.... potatoes, huh. It's always so sad when something like that happens... especially when history, literally crumbles.
I'm hoping your computer starts to behave itself now, and you get that awesome sale on E-Bay!!
Oh, and enjoy that sweet weather too. I love the balmy sweet breezey days.
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