Long Time, No Post All Week

So I'm sorry to report to friendz, family, n reader's that until my puter begins working better n faster, I prob won't post as often. In case you're wonderin, I'm reading more than typing. It's becoming far too time consuming with the constant freeze-ups, n the keyboard still needs replacing. Been spending lotsa puter time tryin to get what's slowin me down to a snail's pace here, still not there yet. I'm sure you'll all notice when I'm repaired. Occasionally, it decides to work awhile, after many reboots
(like now)...
After realizing the older keyboard I have has the wrong interface n number of pins to use on the newer puter here, I hooked up the old 98 machine, typed a mile in it, went to save to a floppy to transfer to here to post n guess what, the hhd just quit- bye, bye. Won't detect on restart. Now gotta open that box up (no time to do) see if maybe the wire connector got jostled, or maybe the blank floppy I inserted was infested... again no time for the messin around anymore! Totally going in reverse now, I've resorted to pen n ink writing again, which will still have to get typed up sometime to get used... All because lotsa cash first would help...
Grrhhh! Apparently my life isin't aggrivating enough yet...
My week started shakily with a scary, multible-tornado dream. At least they missed me...
The very next day there was a very wild wind n rain storm here. Lots of power out n trees down in the area. I drove by a few n wasn't home for most of it.
The next day I noticed the neighbor's upstairs deck furniture, which shouldn't be out there off-season with no one living there anyhow, flew into the maple tree out front breaking some dead trunk pieces off, n lots of stuff landed in my yard. The tree has had some hollowed out parts due to the handiwork of a few "Downy woodpeckers." Greatfully, I didn't find any holes in the side of the house. More large wood pieces from across the street were in the road infront from the woods across the street. I spent some time clearing the road n moving furniture back to the R's yard zone.
Seems I've wasted tons of time cleaning the yard this fall, cause now ya can't tell I did anything at all. I must've raked about 25 times already, there's leaves all over the walk again... Seems I wasted tons of time tryin to get lotsa puter stuff done which didn't pan out... still eating up all my free time, takin all the fun outa it n quite aggrivating. I'm sure I'm the only person I know with this kind of "reluctant patience."
Also my oven, which I love baking things to eat n to keep warm with, now doesn't work- since last week-end, right after I bought baking powder n wanted more muffins for breakfast, too. I've got all kinds of food I can't make now, like pizza n potatoe skins. I've been eating PB&J sandwiches all week. I'm very greatful it's been warmer than normal for winter this week, but we're about to get back to icy weather again. I'm goin to be hungrier, colder, n broke from turning the heat way up to 55 degrees! It's been a long week already... Now I need more of my limited free time to pull the stove out from the wall n see if I can figure out what may fix it, fuse, wire, or element-
n pay for it...
It all boils down to cash n time... n lack of it.
Sounds like your dream was a premonition for the weather you experienced. I've been listening to the weaher channel, and they said it was pretty mild up there for this time of year... but that you were in for some more cold weather soon.
Hope you have some warm blankets and footies to keep you warm, sweetie!
Snag - I've had those tornado dreams before. It's a sign of turmoil. Which I'm more than sure you're going through.
That keyboard is probably an XT connetion, and you're other is a PS2. They sell converter at Radio Shack. But they are expensive. (About 14 bucks)
Prayers your way, I know it's tough living right now. But it's gotta get better right?
Peace & Hugs,
- Neo
Ellen, I'd originally thought it was an anxiety dream, like Neo said, but then we had that windstorm n now according to where the pieces were, n where the tornadoes were moving around the house in the dream, it seems like both a real message n the turmoil I feel! I do get vivid dreams alot. Warmth depends on exercize, layers of clothes, n hot water bottles... getting dressed is tough. I do really want my home-baked food, tho!
Neo, thanks for the fitting-types lingo. I never knew what they're called! I need to dig in boxes of parts n see if I already had that adapter for the 95 machine, (or it's the opposite-direction one), or I'll have to wait a couple weeks to spring for it.
I wish just one thing could be easy... Thankz for prayers
Oh Snaggle!
I hope that things are getting easier, warmer, calmer and cheerier!
It is going to get better, as Neo said, and I know you'll have more character than you ever cared for through it all... but it makes you, you! And that's super special!
So, prayers flying your way.
I friggin hate electronics! As fun as computers and stoves and whatever else are when they work, when they stop working I become a total dumb-dumb. I wish you all the luck in the world with getting them fixed with the least amount of time and money spent.
Thanks CJ for the encouragement, I'm really having it tough lately!
Left, thanks for the luck wishes, I need all can get! Generally I have to fix things by myself, I learn alot this way!
Hope your new machine co-operates a good long while for ya...
I want a new one too...
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