
Once again, I was compelled to take a pic of a white shell composed with broken sea-reeds in the wet sand. I must do this several times per year.

.At playtime, a few days later, After a few non-effective methods didn't produce much to look at, I rotated it 180 degrees, then applied the rotating mirror filter, n found another strange, primitive character.

.A few days later I finally found a color effect which brings out the face shape. May newly discoved "Shelly" bring us good fortune-
As I'm posting n writing, I'm very distracted by a current World News Now report with breaking news on an 8.9 Earthquake off the coast of Japan causing a huge tsunami on the islands east coast. Pictures of homes n cars being swept away are a horror to see.
Also warning sirens are going off right now in Hawaii. Best of luck to our friends there, especially Cloudia, who lives on a boat in Wakiki.
Almost at the bottom of my long link list in my sidebar is the "Earthquake" Geological survey site with more info should you choose to check it out. (Hmmm, I didn't realize this would be an Earthquake post!)
And the world is in termoil.
But it is okay we will explane it all away.
Have a great end of the world day.
I just saw briefly that there was a quake in japan.. didn't realize how bad.. I will look it up later. Old friend Krystal is in HI with her hub and son.. not sure which island, but the thought must be scary for them!
former classmate Julie N has been Living in Chile for almost a year now doing research and reports almost daily of quakes where she is.. It's all old hat down there, which just seems odd to me.
Scary stuff today, for sure.
The first shot reminded me of a dragonfly, Snaggle.
Yes, it's a terrible tragedy for Japan.
Ellis, It feels just like the December 26th one 5 years ago- a pit in my gut- Makes me want to quit work! Thanks
MB, Guess Hawaii didn't have the worst waves, but The west coast n S America got bigger waves. Hope Kystal is ok with the baby too! I can't imagine being used to quakes-
But the big one that definately was!
Lynn, Watching the news footage was very scary, n I'm greatful I'm on the correct coast this time!
Talon, Oh yes, I see it! With reed wings-
Those poor folks, n so many of them! The Pacific n North American Plates are ruining many lives recently. I just heard The Nuke plant in Japan has blown! Yikes- enough tragedy already...
Like the look you created with the photo.
Yes the news about Japan is tragic. The photos and videos were just unbelievable. :(
LLcoolJ, Thanks. The Japanese situation is extensive- I agree the videos churned my guts!
he looks like a fish!!! in the kolor one, a happee fish to be frends wit.
i was so sadd about the earthkwake. i said some prayers. i hugged my jannie and my kelly and my jimmy and the dogs and the kat a littel kloser too.
BB, that's much bedder than the fish that wansa eats you! My friend was safe too- so the luck worked-
Yep, things like this really make me wanna quit my ikky work n spend more time with folks. Thanks BB
nicely done!
Aloha from Waikiki;
Comfort Spiral
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