Jigsaw Pieces

Alright, who put this huge, jigsaw puzzle here?
Yesterday I looked out the window n noticed huge slabs of cut-up ice on the boat ramp beach. I hurried to get out the door n walk down there before the fading daylight became too low to see.

Two other people had exactly same idea right after I got down there. So we were all careful to stay out of each other's pics n it slowed me down a bit, but it was fun having company also feeling awed by this sight.

The temps were finally above freezing today. Between the winds n tide action, the entire ice sheet had traveled across from the other side of B-cove, then split-up into hundreds of pieces. It's the same ice shown in the second n third pic of this post. I've never seen it quite like this before.

I'm glad I noticed it, n had time to go see. I'm betting it won't look like this tomorrow...
LOL and here I thought you might try and glue it all back together.
That's pretty neat looking - you live in such a beautiful place.
It's beautiful!! Nice lighting. How thick was it?
LOL on Ellis' glue idea.
Thanks, Snag, for leaping to the blogger's call to duty with cam and battling the photographer mob for us!
I see a sailboat!
Absolutely amazing, Snaggle! I'm so glad you captured these amazing shots! Jigsaw pieces is exactly right!
Note: Folks it did all melt today.
Ellis, I can't get my brain to quit finding the matched sides.
Lynn, Thanks. Pretty n strange too!
JanF, Most pieces were between 4 to five inches thick on the shore. It had already melted alot. I wouldn't want to glue on any fish by accident tho- I know a fun photo op when I see one! But none of them had a blog or worked for the paper- I asked!
Neo, hmm- good thing no real boats were out there, they'd be trashed!
Talon, thanks- I get a feeling you may be seeing more of this subject later...
Unbelievable! Thanks for sharing.
Gran Annie, Amazing even in pictures. you're welcome!
Pretty thick, 4" to 5."
JanF, Yep, I wasn't tempted to walk on them either. N slick too!
heh... seeing your newer entries, I feel like a prophet ;)
Neo, Been sneaking into all the old posts to keep me busy? lol It's working!
13!!! *ducks*
Neo, goose!
The third Pic was on Google Image search for "Jigsaw pieces" April 2011
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