Doesn't this abstract color image boldly state Autumn without actually having recognizable form?
I haven't taken any October pics this month yet, so I went digging in Last Octobers pic file, n found an unused example to alter today. I also realized while searching, that this month last year is when I began to regularly post altered images here, tho not with the current frequency you've come to expect.
The three-foot-tall sugar maple tree was in the front yard of a small school house next to a pond where I was taking folliage shots on the West side of town that day. It was brightly colored n I thought it would make a good fall shot, but never did get around to posting it. Now, I like the abstracted version even better!
Of course no altered image post would be complete without the really wierd n wild version. So here for the strange factor is a color changed, rotating mirrored, n spiky halo applied piece from the same pic. I like the eerie feeling it gives me. (so many pairs of eyes...)
To me October always means Halloween...

I love the circle shapes in the first altered shot - gorgeous!
The weird and wild version is definitely spooky Halloweenish! Someone is definitely keeping an eye on you - lol!
I agree with TALON. I like the glass paint like abstractness in the first one.
I love that top photo!
It is nice to have some back up pictures around if you can't get out for new ones. Then some time old ones are better. Thanks for popsting the lovely view of the sugar maple.
Talon, I'll be sure to save those effect settings somewhere for future use- I think it came out well.
So many faces, n the bottom like a freaked out character-
Opaque, Thanks, I may use it for some projects i think-
LLcoolJ, Thanks I really favor it too- It's a keeper! Maybe I'll print it out 22 by 3o something inches for the wall.
Ellis, As long as the hard drive works I've got stuff here from a decade... Sad, but true! Plus about 8 full sandisk cards! Day Off after another day- For such a short tree, it sure stole the show! Your welcome
Pretty cool effect in that first pic! The colors on the maple trees are just thinking about changing down here.
Lynn, Thanks, Glad you think so- Most of our trees are still green, but some brown cast-offs are blowing about, n the deck is a mess in this stormy weather. The West side more inland does change sooner.
Hey -- what a cute little guy in the last one! Blue Squirrel?
That first one is AWESOME too. Fun! And I've seen where in my program to do that, under textures, I think? I foget exactly, but it is cool.
And of course, the maple leaves au naturel are pretty too.
Lovely art, all.
JanF, Could be some kind of critter alright... underneath the big devil-dog head!
You do have to enter the right numbers combo, light angle, n color to get it this way. There's an effects toggle toolbar button for this one, btw- Thanks
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