All Things

Must come to an end...

ESR is loaded with current local scenery, many made into strange n colorful altered images. Words describe some of SnaggleTooth's life n opinions. Most poems on ESR are spontaniously written into the editor. Enjoy the sights n whimsey.
That sunset is beautiful, Snaggle. It reminds me of an oversized rainbow - gorgeous! I'm sorry you've got a cold. That completely sucks!Hope it clears up as quickly as it showed up!
Still it was good to end the day with such a gorgeous sun set.
Amazing sunset! At first I thought it was a sunrise, til I read your words.
Hope that cold shakes off before it can take hold deep.
Glad things will be less busy at work for you.
Cool post. Cool photos.
All the best, Boonie
Glad you had some good r&r.
Talon, At least I could take pics, n there was a sunset to see after all. of course now I have to work with the cold. Thanks
Ellis, Yes, for me a dew seconds of beauty make up for a day full of "Not to-Do s"
JanF, I never seem to go outside for sunrise, which is my bedtime. Those colors were there only for seconds! Day 2 of cold- sinuses stll not breathing.
I returned to an inspection night! So much for easy-
Boonie, Welcome to ESR comments. Thanks. Glad you enjoyed the pics.
Gran Annie, Thanks, I really did need it- had been a year since I've had a whole week off!
Lynn, Thanks, Hot n Sour? Must look it up. I've been drinking peppermint tea. Zero smell here-
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