This week I received some unexpected freeloaders... I mean, visitors. I was perplexed to get a Post Office window Pick-Up Notice in my box, as I haven't ordered anything recently, or won any giveaways... So I made a special trip to get to the window before they closed today.
Imagine my surprize to find perky black n white ceramic chickens staring at me, with a designer note card, explaining their predicament.
The note was properly handwritten, not chicken scratches I'd expected. They must well educate their fowl out West...
It read:
To Snag,
Sorry to drop in on you like this, but we were not happy at Paige's house in Texas. If it is not too much trouble for you, may we stay with you? If not can you please help us find a home?
Thank you,
Salt n Pepper
(I believe these could be the same chickies sent to Paige awhile back from Jannies...) Well, I told them they can stay as long as they like, as long as they don't mind getting sand in their feathers.
We're used to tourists from all over being here, but haven't seen alot of chickens. They may decide later it's not much fun in wintertime, as it does get pretty cold.
why'd the chickens cross the road?
To go to the M-cove!
Oh yeah, they want me to tell Paige not to worry, they're doing well, n think this is a good adventure, tho they got a bit sunburned at the beach today...
A well needed chuckle this morning, Snaggle. That Paige is a funny lady and I loved that you took them to M Cove. :)
The perfect morning chuckle.
I am VERY entertained by this. you do realize that now you have to take them with you when ever you go somewhere and take their picture and add a caption.. screw the traveling Gnome-- You have travelling Chickens!! Let us know how they spend their summer vacation, m'kay?
why those little chickens flying air mail and all.
as long as they are happy :-)
This is bad
I guess that was from one chick to another.
Someone throw a rock at me quick.
Lynn, I chuckled a bit myself- shakers at the beach0 who else would think of it?
G, Your stuffed animal adventures must be affecting me... your welcome.
MB, I'm glad you were amused. I do gotta be careful as they are breakable, n could use them for seasonings too. At least the pics weren't too glarey. We'll see, looks like I have a dissatisfied customer below...
Paige, what a silly thing to find in the mail! thanks-
Ellis, I'm sure I could've thought of a few more chicken cliches` if I'd thought long enough! You'd prob hate my boat conversation post too... "Dinghy Speak."
Just pretending...
too funny, def got a chuckle out of me! you should let them go boating next :)
Hi Snaggle .. well definitely well brought up chicks asking to stay .. I hope they prefer this new home and will nest happily .. they're a pretty proud pair!
Great story of the flying chickens .. Hilary
Oh, this freaking MADE MY DAY!!! (If not my month. Or year!!)
Laughing so loud.
You guys -- you N Paige.
I LOVE you fun, sweet guys so much!!
lol! The roosters look strangely at home on the sand!
BBM, the boys saw the chickens & me head down the road that day- Thought of doing more, but really haven't time. Does no one want me to put spice in them???
HilaryMB, Welcome to ESR Comments. Yes very polite they are! Salt n Pepper do rather like it here so far- Thanks, glad to amuse!
JanF, You should've seen the looks I got from folks! Who takes pics of chicken shakers at the beach? It cracked me up trying to get a decent shot- n took work due to the sun angle n low tide....
Looks like it was a double surprize!
Talon, This one runs away with the Absurd Award... Yes, they seemed not to mind it at all- just hope I don't get extra grit in my salt!
don't forget to make little clothes for them depending on their destination!!
MB, Little clothes? Perhaps we are getting a teensy bit carried away-?
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