But I know a photo op of willing subjects when I see one- The altered pic is from a different gull shot, I just like it.

Today I'm very burnt out, n have a pollen head-ache, so getting a few chores done, n then resting up. The weather has been yo-yo-ing. Freezing, 40F rain yesterday, then another 60F windy, sunny day with a zillion budding trees.
slight update:
found the other pics I was gonna post on another flash drive
Great shots but you will never top that picture you had of the gulls in the parking lot in separate spaces. Loved that one!
I love the gulls all on their own posts, Snaggle! :)
Yeah, the gulls here are not shy at all...and every time you go into a parking lot, they are wheeling overhead. I guess parking lots are the new "water" for them.
Hope those pollen counts go down. We're having the same weather - freezing/warm/freezing/warm...gets tiresome!
Crazy weather and now you have pollen, too. Ours is lessening by the day.
I have a darn old pollen head-ache too today. I just ate a cherry popsicle, hope that helps me.
I bet the gulls know you personally by now.
And hey -- why do they paint the top of the poles blue?
Gran Annie, Thanks for remembering the "Pier Parking" shot. I wasn't as close for that one tho. Mind you, I didn't have time for the zoom.
Talon, Thanks, I like how they all landed there next to me while I was busy the other way- Seems each time I go to say the weather is one way, it suddenly turns the other! Well some good is better than none...
Lynn, Glad your green fuzz is easing up- ours has just begun- Budding trees is my worst time. Thanks
Jannie, you snuck in there on me...
I've been pigging out on strawberries for 2 bux today, with my apple-yellow snack cake, plus whipped crème...
See the next post for gull memory testing.
Hmmm, no idea! Then others have the cone-shaped caps on them. I'll let you know if I find out-
Here in the UK the weather is all over the place too. Sunny one minute, hail stones the next!
Love the gulls waiting on the poles!
LLcoolJ, Yikes hailstones here mean one thing, possible incoming tornadoes- Hope your jeep wasn't dented, n your plants weren't beaten too badly! Thanks
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