I ran out quickly to do errands today, then saw the long, "Day After" lines. I made a few quick supply grabs n found a not too slow line. I'd intended to do some 50 % off candy shopping, but totally forgot before I got in the line where I was reluctant to give up my good spot. Milk for tea n normal weekly needs got remembered at least.

There was no shortage of return folks at the service desk. I'm glad I don't need to do that. I once had to return one wrong sized top - n it was such a hassle I hope to never do it again! I don't get alot of presents or clothes these days.
I did score a new dvd player present- yay! Last week someone at work gave me a new "The Amazing Spiderman" movie they didn't want. So it was a real treat to watch a previously unseen film at home finally. The first time in almost a year...
BBM made some nifty cookies n gave me a platefull. I've been eating so much sugar between those n candy I keep getting sugar-crash fatigue.
This weeks-long nasty sinus infection combo with allergies, plus a cold- has been whipping my butt lately. Without cheaper versions of Tylenol n Mucinex I'd be out of commission. Daily head-aches have been relentless. I'm glad the holiday rushing is over. Hopefully I'll get to slow down a little bit now.
Now tomorrow, (Thursday), we're expecting a storm, so I couldn't put off errands n rest first as I'd wanted. Looks like it'll mostly be rain here again. Haven't had one snow pic opportunity yet, but I'm guessing it won't be long.
I haven't been able to get decent sunset pics from the bridge since the first week of the month- n the Sun was so far over even then. Glad the light will increase now. This pic is from that day.
Now Christmas is history, n it's time to wrap up another year. Good thing I've overcome my superstitious fears of the number 13...
Sugar high! Of course that is the reason for my fatigue. Thanks for the reminder. Hope I can by-pass the sweets today and get back with heart-smart eating.
You will always find a great photograph to show as it is or to alter. I have no fear. The snow has passed us and hopefully you will get another reprieve also.
Hmmm - I hadn't thought of 2013 being unlucky. Oh my.
Yes - I stopped by the grocery store after work yesterday and it was mobbed. One snowflake fell and people were in there laying in supplies like it was the apocalypse. I mainly just needed paper towels. :)
Gran Annie, So many sweets available here lately- I haven't been avoiding the High Fructose Corn Syrup stuff either, so I'm getting hypoglycemia when can't eat at work. That's for New Years again! Glad the snow missed you- I saw scary snow road scenes in OK on the news.
Lynn, It better be lucky! Don't want things any worse for folks- The store was a stupid move, but I needed stuff! Darn I forgot the toilet tissue n must go back! Have a good week-
You are a brave lady!! I haven't been shopping since before Christmas. I had to take my little girl dog to the vet yesterday but was able to avoid the busy streets.
I know what you mean about the sugary treats. When I eat much of them I just need to sleep a lot. I gave most of it away and stuck some in the freezer so only have a small fruit cake on the counter to tempt me right now. Hard candies can sit for I don't care much for them. It's chocolate anything that carries me away!
I love your new picture of the water. You sure do get some lovely shots. I live only 5 minutes from Bellingham Bay but seldom get there to take pictures.
I need to work on that! Happy New year!
Been chowing down on a lot of sweets here too.
Had a headache a couple days in a row, also sinus caused. TG none for the past couple days, nice smooth sailing, like a quick line at the supermarket with smiling service.
AWESOME on th DVD player!! I remember we went for like a year too w/o rented movies. A real treat. Does your library lend DVDs? They do here and it's a nice treat.
Mountain Mama, Maybe next week the store will be easier. I was sleepy before the sugar eats- now I'm almost collapsing. I bet if you try you could get pretty pics of that Bay-
Happy New Year to you too!
JanF, My sinus head-aches are horrible when the pills wear off. Need alot of hot compresses. Could use a year of sleep too-
So happy to have movies again! Got plenty in my own collection to keep me busy awhile. Library does, but don't get there much- very limited open hours n way far across town. Have to give up sleep for that trip. But a good idea-
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