Cliff Diving
Reach for the sky-
Focus, center your gravity.
Get a running start toward the edge...
Then spring clear off of your toes.
Bring your arms from your sides over your head
n clapse your hands together.
Protect your skull from the impact.
Count to two breathing in deeply.
Then hold in the air,
Tuck your chin to your chest.
Enter the surface as straight as possible-
Keep your legs tightly together symmetrically.
Then you may survive if Fate allows it-
There are no guarantees...

How angry will you be if Congress doesn't get that cliff problem at least temporarily taken care of before the deadline?
Forgiving or not forgiving?
If not affected, can you think of what you would do about it?

Hungry thinking on it- Better get dinner...
Yep- We're Freezin'! Brrhhhh. Very icy- heavy stuff. Wires hanging low, branches down all over, but pretty when I opened the window today- These are all from the kitchen window pics...
Happy New Year Folks!
We really need one-
n Yes, I'll be working
But in n out of there earlier.
I may be home for the big Ha-rah..
We had lots of predictions of snow and blizzards but none came to fruition. I am happy to enjoy your weather in pictures though I'm sure you could do without having to go out in it.
I am wishing you a prosperous and happy 2013!!!
Sure are pretty pictures. hopefully the snow warmed things up a bit for you.
I have not been following the "fiscal clff" story, don't watch the news. Too depressing now that we're generally heading towards socialism, and not a thing I can do about any of it.
I might be asleep for the Big Ha-Rah, as I usually am. :) Hope you have a good one.
Wow - the snow is so beautiful. And I guess you know how to get around in it - here in the south, we don't, so it's good that snowfall is few and far between.
I woke up fretting about that fiscal cliff.
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Hay the snow is so great except that it got so deep that Lucy & I could not go out to pee,so "Pal" got this square thing & moved some snow,he was moving as fast as he could but we had to pee so bad.. I ran of the porch & I almost pee'd on his foot..(He was not to happy bout that lol)
But it is the end of the year:
Gran Annie, Thanks. I got to ride home in the middle of the storm- now I'm cold! Better go cook something to warm up...
Happy New Year to you, Ron, n Slim!
JanF, the coldest here so far this year- n windy too. So you're oblivious n won't see your paycheck go down next week- I can't ignore the news- Hope you don't need diving lessons- I already know how.
I'm trying not to fall asleep now- Got up SO Early-
Happy New Year to you
Lynn, I;m out in almost every storm these days. The stuff we do to pay rent... Layers n walking while always looking down are key! The cliff thinking is frustrating. I hope you don't have to dive- me either!
Happy New Year to you
Buddy, Oh no! Tough to hold it in all night, whether a Doxie or not! I hope Pal can keep his shoes clean. Don't eat any yellow snow-
Happy New Year to you n Lucy n Pal.
Hope you had a Happy.
I think the fiscal cliff isn't so much a cliff as its the 800lb elephant that nobody was adult enough to deal with for the past couple of years.
And no one is still adult enough to deal with it.
G, It could've been worse. At least the VP did something, tho not a great deal which may not get passed. You're right- they're only putting it off, n off again for later! Sooner or later it'll go rouge n stampede over everyone mercilessly...
I hope you are keeping yourself warm with all that snow. It looks beautiful but can make getting around a nightmare.
Happy New Year to you Snaggle! I hope it's a good one for you.
LLcoolJ, It's very cold here now- like 0 F or -17 Celcius! TG for my over-sized LLBean purple Men's jacket rated to keep you warm to -50! I wear layers, scarf, ear-band, hoodie then that, n I'm good with gloves of course. Yes I have to go out in it- Cooking inn the house to keep the temp up now. Thanks
What you can control, not what they want you to worry about my friend.
Neo, I'd like to worry less by controlling more money...
Money isn't real.
Neo, an abstract concept, that limits power or gives it in society...
Lostsa 13's here lately!
Quite similiar to what a rat in cage undergoes while they experiment on them. Here's your food pellet (money).
Neo, quick! Eat it before the next rat takes it away from you...
*fights the rat to the death and takes the pellet*
I'm number 1!
I'm number 1!
I'm number 1!
Neo, watch out cause after you're sleeping they may eat your tail...
Go check out MB's new blog
She never responds to me when I comment. Dunno what I ever did to her.
Neo, she just doesn't feel obligated to answer I think- Don't think it's personal.
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