Beach Across the Bay

Down at the end of the main road where I took the Micro-burst pics is this beach. Somewhere across that water beyond that visible point is my Fave Beach n further to the right n around a few more land corners in Buzzards Bay is my village.
They had a no parking sign at the road end section, so I parked further up n walked over for a few pics. While I was there just a few minutes, I got irked when a guy in a large pick-up with a bull mastiff drove up, parked in the no parking zone, n walked his dog next to the "No Dogs on the Beach" sign...
Those are Storm Sandy remnant clouds that hung around so many days later. We just had a Nor'Easter. Over two straight days of nasty winds n constant rain. We're really lucky here to have been spared the snow that folks got in the middle of the state.
I skipped errands on the worst day, stayed in n baked a bunch of food after finding an extra bag of flour to use up. I made alot of fluffy, deep, homemade pizza dough, biscuits, n pie dough. So I used up some leftovers to make Cheeseburger pizza n apple pie for dinner.
During errands today at the Salvation Army Store I scored an old $8 vcr! There's no rewind, but my old one still does it, so they are both hooked up, n I am happy to be watching some of my old movie collection today again! Hopefully it lasts a while. I've really missed home films this year, n I have a huge collection of vhs.
"Jurassic Park" here I come...
I still use the same VCR that we purchased in 1979. Only recently did one of my home movie tapes become trapped inside and I am awaiting my son to fix it. The thing weighs a ton and any movie we recorded on it has to be played on it because if you try to play it on a different VCR there is a big line through the middle. I will cry the day it can no longer be repaired.
I love the way you "make do" and rejoice in the little things.
I need to convert my VHS home movies to digital!!!!! You just reminded me.
Oh, forgot, those photos are wonderful!
I'm so glad you found that treasure - it's so lovely to watch favorite old films.
And your baked goods sound wonderful. I wish I knew what to do with dough.
Gran Annie, I needed a vhs with a tuner to get cable on tv for years, n only went thru 3 in 20 years. I used them alot. It's tough to learn new buttons n remotes. I always get machines with manual buttons.
Your tape probably has a sticker on it catching.
Movies is no little thing to me. I want to direct n film some myself at some point- Did a few shorts in college n took screenplay writing.
Tabor, me too- Have tons of home movies of the kids n my parents. Plus the old pets- I cry when I watch that stuff, so many passed away. I want one of the new dvd recorders for that. Don't have one now tho. thanks
Lynn, I've been checking there for months n nada! Usually just buy some used books for a buck. I love fresh dough/ bread. Just had an egg n cheeze in a biscuit. Good with soup n gravy too
email me your address
Neo, I also get to watch my old college computer animations, which need to be converted before they disintegrate...k
Snag - If you ever end up with a few extra bucks you might want to look around and see if you can find a vcr/dvd converter. You take the tape put it in the machine, insert a blank dvd and it burns the vcr tape onto the dvd.
And I know how you feel. I have like 30 (out of 100) old cassette tapes I need to move over to mp3 format before they warp.
Not enough time right now... :/
Neo, it's been my experience thus far, if I have the money I have no time; n if I have time, I have no money. I have tons of cassettes too- most still in use. Alot of originals in there.
Yay, a VCR!!! And a darn good deal too.
I like the thought of your domestic godessness making those doughy wonders.
Have you ever had cheeseburger pie? It was one of the recipes we made in either 8th or 9th grade. And it was good!! During the cooking 1/3 of Home Ec. we got to cook and eat once a week. As I recall, the other thirds were sewing and childcare in 9th and sewing and rooftop basket weaving in 8th.
Are there really lots of Buzzards in your bay?
And Sandy remnants, boy that's something to witness via your blog -- an historic storm you show us an actual part of.
Hope he scooped the poop, Mr. Dog Guy.
JanF, Welcome Back! Been eating the fluffy goodies all week. Freeze it n it's the pizza that keeps coming n is always yummy. I make such a mess doing it tho-
Never made cheezeburger pie, but eating Sloppy Joes today.
I have never seen a vulture here, only turkey vultures down in FL. We see alot of wild Turkeys tho!
I didn't stay to watch the doggie, Not fond of other folks loose, very large dogs-
That's funny you should mention old videos because my kids have so many and I don't know what to do with them. Maybe I should look into getting a converter too!
The photos are beautiful.
LLcoolJ, it's a good idea not to lose the old home movies. I need alot of dvds to burn on here- Thanks!
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