Extreme Irene

On Sunday after the worst of the wind passed, I drove over to work because my phone wouldn't get thru. All the way down the main road's busy zone the traffic lights were out. Alot of other folks were driving fast n carelessly thru the numerous intersections. It was a white knuckle ride. Winds were still fairly strong.
Traffic lights in the middle of the ride were working, then out again. Tree debris was everywhere.
Power was out at work, but folks were there. I could've elected to go to the Boston plant who was covering our company's area for the day after the Hurricane. I declined that offer, n on the way back home stopped at the D-bridge n took a few pics. I stayed near the abuttment, it seemed too windy to go out to the middle of the rail.

The maple trees in front of the R's next door lost a few sections. This one I could see out the kitchen window, resting on their upstairs deck, n also on my telephone wires! (can see if you look closely).
That's MapleBeard n my deck in the BG.

Out in the backyard normally clear access to the road is totally blocked by hunks of the huge Ecclesiastical tree.

I'm not sure if this hunk of maple is from my tree or the R's, but I'm very grateful it landed next to Little Truck, n not on it!
I'd noticed quite a few thrill seekers out driving in the middle of the strong storm portions. We were spared alot of rain, but had winds. At one point I looked out the front window- all was okay, turned around to do something, glanced back, n in that short time a tree had fallen from the woods across the road in front of my house!
This dude with a (pixelated) CT plate stopped, openned the trunk, pulled out a chainsaw- n began chopping to move it out of the road! I grabbed my cam n went out on the gale-force deck to grab his pic- He looked up n I waved n yelled a hearty "Thankyou! That was really quick service!" How nice was that? wow
I'll be chopping branches for weeks here...
Snag - Important thing is you're safe. Sounds like you can now have a nice little campfire on the beach with the extra wood though.
And hey, make sure you call the phone company and other utilities for credits on your bill for the outages!
- N
I'm glad you are safe Snaggle. Awfully nice of that man and I guess he wanted to be able to move forward, too. Pretty handy of him to have that chainsaw in his car.
Wow I hope he wasn't using the chainsaw for anything more sinister and that's why he had it in the car! :D
I'm really glad you are safe and well, and the trees look like they landed without doing too much damage!
I'm so glad that all the downed trees and branches didn't hurt anyone or anything (save the poor telephone lines!).
That is some seriously quick service, Snaggle!
Neo, Yeah, that too, n all the excitement watching water levels out the window. i was very lucky! Already wasted valuable cell juice making those calls.
Lynn, Thanks. That was great he did that- I was surprized. I'd been worrying if I could lift it out of the road, but didn't want to go outside yet, still too wild out there.
LLcoolJ, I'd never realized I wanted a chainsaw until I saw that dude! Luckily the Texas Chainsaw murders all took place at night (...in the film- correct me if I'm wrong-) Thanks. It could've been so much worse! N not much flooding too. Extra Yard work for weeks for me-
Talon, Thanks. Branches did seem perfectly placed for effect! I was worried about my modem getting online after power came on-working ok after a neighbor removed the branch-whew! Aid didn't even take 10 minutes! But he shouldn't have been out there- other trees could've fallen.
Always great to see a man with a chainsaw, of course. :)
Your deck and upper level viewing area looks great. Poor tree, not so much.
And I see the color of your truck! I always assumed it was navy blue or black. Boy, was I wrong!
LOL at Joey's chainsaw comment.
Glad you were safe and sound.
JanF, Yep, but I think I want my own now... The deck's been very high maintenamce lately with the tree-chaffe stuff still falling off daily since the storm. I believe I've shown parts of Little Truck several times, tho usually in the background n not mentioned. My previous car, R2-D2 was navy. Let's hope you don't need a chainsaw this week... The rest of that tree is still sitting there-
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