Sights Just Out the Door

One bouquet of bright orange-red Trumpet Flowers is blooming out in the side yard this week. Last year the downstairs folks pulverized them all with a fence pipe.

These have gently been spent n fell intact onto the ground off of those two yellow seed prongs. It's so much more enjoyable for me than seeing them smashed to smitherines...

In the five-gallon bucket up on the deck, the trumpet vine in the Vincias has shot up to about six-feet in hieght suddenly this year. It's been there over ten years. I wonder when it will finally bloom- It's next to another unknown shrub that sprouted in a container n was saved years ago, still waiting to mature n bloom also. That blue, plastic container lid is my cheapo bird bath / watering hole. It's ontop of a covered garden supply tub on wheels. just outside the front kitchen window.

Mischief always likes my chair better than her chair. She's next to the hot pink Petunias n light pink Impatiens on the small deck section outside the door.

Here's half of the front deck with about five little evergreen trees, n violet, red, n dwarf violet petunias, unseen blue pansies, n alot more Impatiens. The Marsh grass is having it's first yellow summer ever- I have no idea why. That depresses Mishief because she likes to eat it when it's the normal green...
Summer is half full.
Great looking deck garden you to there.
One way to get lost in Mother Nature.
It's half full - you make me think it's half full. Mischief looks like a good lap kitty. :)
you should send some of those trumpet flower plants out my way with BBM when she come out on the 16th or so
my cat likes your cat's pic!
Aloha from Waikiki;
Comfort Spiral
> < } } ( ° >
*runs away allergies!*
G, N chock full of humidity n tourists, too. Thanks. I've always had a garden to play with.
Lynn, I hope Summer's full for you this year. Mischief is big on lounging in general- she likes watching TV on me.
MB, woops- too late, I already pulled some out of the lawn this week n tossed them into the woods! It didn't occur to me to save them for you... Next time!
Cloudia, Mischief really likes cat pics too- but isin't too friendly with other cats in person.
But Aloha Meow!
Neo, have you heard of cheap Walmart 24 hr allergy pills? (Loritadine) They really help. I'm not allergic to any of these plants. But I can't have Zinnias, Begonias, Mums, or Chrysanthamums...
Let's see a little of your photographic magic done on the fallen trumpet flowers.
Nothing is pretty around here in this drought. Everything is brown and crunchy and a tossed cigarette will destroy us and everything around us.
Gran Annie, I saw on the news it's getting bone dry in the heat there. I hope your goats are still managing to find something to graze, n the well pump still has water. You know I'll play with colors on those Trumpets eventually! Thanks
I think it's half over! From our hot, hot Texas perspective. Hopefully that does not depress you as much as the yellow grass depresses Mischief. I almost wrote "Mieshka." :)
Little Mieshka who goes in the back yard and chases Kit-Kat off. Poor Kitty. :) Oh, well, I hope Mieshka will get sweeter with time to him.
Just put in my Pampered Chef order, whoohoo!! So glad I'll be finally replacing that baker's bowl that Jim broke.
JanF, Today they said 38 straight days of Triple digits in TX! Yikes! I hope that LOOONNGGG heat wave there is done soon! Mischief n Mieshka Are similar names. I used to have a Midnight too. Poor Jealous KitKat- such competition-
Glad you were able to get something you've missed n will you'll enjoy using. Thanks
MB is keeping ordering open until a few more days.
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