Pumpkin Guts

On Halloween this year I'll be working. I won't be dressing up in costume due to the fact anything I wear will get slopped on with goo n ruined.
My decs from years past put up this week are spartan. A couple little scarecrows, hanging ghosts, n spiders, plus a few flashes of orange to remind me how I used to enjoy this holiday, especially the decorating at my Mom's old place, which was a large house.

I invented flying paper bats, dummy's hanging by the neck dripping blood , n a chest in the hall became a coffin with newspaper fashioned skeleton hands coming out. It was always a fun, artsy project when I was young. I also recorded my own sound effects on a cassette player.

This year I'll miss the fun, especially hanging out with the Little Ones. Someday soon I hope the economy perks back up so I can get better income, n get my family holidays back to enjoy. Meanwhile, it's back to spending more time at work than home, n getting very sore again- (already there n the third heavy order in a row next-Ugh!).

Think when folks ask what I am, I'll just say "Zombie" n that'll be accurate without dressing up!
Hope ya like the pumpkin costumes...

This is my Fave...
(There were two photo originals used for these).
Your hart is sad
for no fun you'll have
on this great hollows-eve
Still have some fun
smile at everyone
and they will wonder
what you've done
I love how you even did recordings to go with your decorations! That's so neat! The pumpkins do look like they're in costume - lol!
I hope that you have a great weekend and that work goes well and smoothly.
Happy Halloween!
i lieks yor punkins all dresed up nise, snagle.
i wil eet some kandies for yoo tomorow.
yoo wuz a cery kreative kid wot ended up a kreative ladie. i maeked some gosts too to dekorate.
Ellis, Yes, the got the gist of the situation... I don't smile much, especially with sore blisters- They'd think I was brain dead!
Talon, Those cassettes are still in my room somewhere... n I still have working players too! I like how some pumkin effecs have little eyes n accompanying spook-forms. Thanks-
BB Boo, Thanks- Eat alots a candz for me k? Not having time to make new stuff to decorate is what I miss most-! Spandex Jannie is pretty creative too!
You've got some very creative art here for Halloween. However I wish you had not labeled your blog Pumpkin Guts because that's what it caused me to see in a couple of your renderings:)
I like that last photo, too. :)
Gran Annie, thanks... Hmmm- I do believe that's how I came up with the title! I saw some on the way home tonight in the middle of the road too. Well, Time to go eat baked pumpkin seeds...
Lynn, Last week I'd thought to just post that pic alone, but had second thoughts after waiting because the others did seem Halloween-ish to me. That one tho- would make a great wall pic. Thanks
Nice art work... Halloween is not a big thing over here... so, I am left with nothing but see such photos and illustrations and wonder...
Opaque, I bet you get some holidays we don't there too- Folks here dress in costumes, decorate with ghost stuff, carve pumpkins into lanterns, n go Trick or Treating for candy all over town... I suppose this description will confuse you even more! Thanks
You being a Zombie cracked me up! Love all the shots that you added to this post too.
LLcoolJ, Folks at work laughed too, especially at the moaning! Thanks, glad you enjoyed the images-
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