Sky n Stream

After today's dump-run I drove a bit further up the main road where I found this small stream surrounded by turning vegetation. Only a few trees are holding color here now. I'm saving more leafy color for another day.
I brought a few deck plants inside today because the temp is supposed to dip low overnight, n in mid-week also. I requested some vaca time soon, but don't know if they'll let me yet. I've so much to do, (paint the backroom, move stuff around, clean cubboards, art projects, ect) even that may be rushed.
I slow down when I see these images, tho...
Stunning photo! I'm glad you took the time to capture it.
I hope you get your requested time off - you earned it!
Talon, thanks, glad I caught it too-
From your comment to the bosses paperwork! I've too much to get done before snowtime-
Umm, the pix make me want to run outside and yell joyous things in the street.
(Using the first pic as my desktop background again, thanks. )
How often do you go to the dump?
my jannie out yellling in the stret now.
she wilde and crazie but the polices dont come so much here ennymor, thanks goodniss.
All good reasons for time off, but I'm glad you slow down anyway, Snaggle.
JanF, Guess you really like those pics! Usually I get there about every 6 weeks unless I fill all the barrels sooner.
BB, I hope she isin't a "Disorderly person" in need of "protective custody"...
Lynn, Yep, I need alot more done plus a slowdown, n the two don't jive- Darn no vaca days this week- n only one day off again!
These images make me slow down too. Any chance you want to clean my cupbards while you're at it?
Cookie, mine are crowded n need help bad- too dusty! So time-consuming tho! Good luck with yours... I didn't get any time off yet-
I love that top photo it seems to capture a moment in time. Well I suppose photography does just that.
We live or lives at break neck speed, and images like this do make us just want to skow down and chill a bit. :)
Thanks for linking my blog to yours btw. I really appreciate that. :)
LLcoolJoe, I think it caught a moment worth remembering when you need one, n I always need one! Our lives are way too rushed for me- My worok lately is too stressed.
You're welcome. All who frequent my comments get a spot- plus it's easier to get to your page from here for me-
David, Hi back- hope things are good for you this week on Sugarloaf mtn.
Two beautiful photos! I love fall -- the colors are gorgeous. I even love the smell of fall. Got lots of turning vegetation here, too, and more all the time. The trails are getting crunchier and crunchier (well, soggy when it rains!).
noe, my jannie mosstly skreeming in olde daes when she hellping my jim wit remodeling, she not too gud with powere tools and had some axidints. but her fingers got sowed bak on.
ThommaLynn, Thanks, I got a few more you'll like to post soon. Yes- it does smell good. My deck is becoming leaf-littered too.
BB, Wow, she sounds dangerous with power tools! I usually use hand tools, cause I reallty like having fingers. As long as the legs don't hasfta get glued on...
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