Setting Clicks

Before I got my present Digi-cam, I used to take pics at my fav place near sundown on film, had them developed, n put on a CD to load on 'Puter Machine here. The images format, colors, n feel seem so different with the film takes.
Here's a couple I like better than most of the Digi shots due to their feel n clarity. Those days I didn't need ten shots to get one in focus, n didn't need as many crops. Also, the red-tints (red pic) or other details seen with my eye, appeared in the prints more often than not.
Of course, the disadvantage of waiting to see what you got, was inconvenient. The shutter was carefully clicked not to waste exposures on unworthy subjects. One roll of 27 clicks would last me about a month, then I had to have time n bux to get them dropped off, developed, printed, CD'd, n picked up during store hours. For about a year at the start, ESR Bloggy didn't have any pics at all, until I began using disposable, kodak, film cams as used for these examples.
Now in Digi-days, I blow thru 50 to 100 clicks per week sometimes. I go to view them on 'Puter Machine larger, to find I won't use most of them due to color, light-meter, or clarity issues without any camera controls to correct these things while shooting. It takes more clicks to get usable specimens. Well, it's an older, cheaper, refurbushed cam. At some point when I can afford to, I'd like to upgrade megapixels n features, so I can adjust light meter, aperture, shutter speeds, focal distance, n get tight close-ups, as I learned to do with a manual, film, SLR model in college.
Today I realized I'm going to have a problem getting a new 1GB SD card for my Digi-Cam, because there are none in this whole town, n they've been on clearance, meaning discontinued! It isin't compatable with the plentiful 2GB cards in the stores now, which I tried. I'll have to order them online, add shipping cost, n shipping time. While I'm waiting around, I'm on involuntary click vaca...
I'll prob be sifting thru old pics for ESR until a card arrives. For me, a new card is preferred to deletion n re-use, due to wanting to use them as ultimate proof of ownership of the images. So I'll wait this time. I have to wait for enough bux in my account, n hope there will be some of the cards still available in the future as well, until I can afford a better Digi-cam, or else revert back to disposable film cams again.

September 16 two years back, was sure pretty tho...
That bottom pic takes my breath away!
Snag, I have to say I find all your blog pix of good quality so I don't really see the difference, perhaps if I did know exactly what to look for a light bulb would go on for me.
Dang on having to order your camera card. Discontinuations can be a major pain. Sometimes I wonder how I'd ever go on if Maybelline stopped making that dark brown mascara with the curved brush or if Revlon discontinued Silver City Pink lipstick.
And what's up with the haystack way off to the upper left in the first pic. That's a funny place to hay for the winter.
wishing you freedom and peace
The photos are gorgeous - no matter how you took them! The play of light, the radiance is stunning.
Darn, but I hate when things become unavailable! Still, we'll have the pleasure of your beautiful old photos.
Lynn, remember to breath! Thanks
JanF, ya I am a bit picky most of the time. Digi-cam pixelates n is too unclear when viewed at an actual size. Or the sky is too undefined, the whites too glaring, the darker shades all blended to black, ect.
I hope they don't run out of your fav face paint- I don't wear any except sometimes at weddings, all natural, non-toxic, Neways products pour moi. At my once ebery two years rate, it'll last me forever...
Hmmm, I think you're referring to the large rock which only shows at low Tide. It was winter, n was fairly sea-weedy tho!
David, I could certainly use both! Thanks
Talon, Light on the sky n water is always my fav thing- Think I got very spoiled always using current pics, so "old" ones, even when good, just don't have the same appeal for me- n the light, color n water combo looks different each time- Thanks
Absolutely gorgeous pictures, Snaggle! And I'm sorry you had to order your camera card. Frustrating!
I love the digicam era. Back in the days of film developing, I didn't take many pictures. Just didn't like the hassle of having to go get them developed. But in the days of digicam, I can't quit clicking -- I have thousands of pictures on my computer and in digital storage: pictures taken on my hikes, pictures of my kitties, pictures of all kinds. I love the freedom and control of digital photography.
ThommaLyn, Glad you enjoyed the old pics. Yes Digital is so ever easier than film, n plentiful in clicks. I find it's rare that I ever print them hardcopy tho. I'm definately missing opportunities of pic freedom this week!
Got your Hallowe'en costume yet?
JanF, I always have the Great Pumpkin (paper eyes, nose, mouth on orange shirt), n Indiana Jones (Brown hat, whipe, jacket, knapsack), in reserve. There's also an invented superheroe who's the main character of an IP children's book of mine.
But nope, haven't thought of Halloweenie at all yet!
Ooo Indiana Jones, I'd like to be that! Ditch my dalmation plan.
Watch out Spot- I may have to whip ya if you're a bad puppy... (only kidding- the whip is difficult to use, btw)
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