
I've never been good at the game of Basketball. I went thru periods of being able to get some good baskets off the telephone-pole hoop out front growing up, but never got on the school teams or seemed to perform well under pressure in gym class. (Never mind I'm too short).

These days I'm shooting different hoops...
Actually, these are a film exposure found hiding on my mystery roll which was started in 2007, continued at the playground in 2008, n finished in September 2009.

This was from a cold, March day at the playground, I believe. the graphic quality of the image would make a great card cover for my brother who loves playing hoops still every week with his old Buds
Which one would you pick to use?


The original came out pretty well, too.
That is pretty cool, Snaggle. I like the last two the most. It's fun playing around with effects, I think. :)
I agree with Lynn, but still lean more to the 2nd from last--neat how the net sorta glows and love the texture of the darkers spots on the backboard.
are you better?
shoot forgot to ask did ya get the package yet?
I really like the second one and the last one. Neat stuff and perfect for your brother's birthday card!
I love the second from last, but they all look cool. Great angle.
I would pick number 2 for the card, but that's just moi!
I was never, (sniff sniff,) good at basketball either. Or volleyball. Or soccer. Or dodge ball. Or pin ball. Or making popcorn balls. Or making small talk during the breaks at fancy balls.
i wood choosed the first one, acause i lieks the blue arrea, of my color body.
Ha - I just wrote about my lack of sporting prowess, too. Love your photos SN - they are really interesting. That bunny should learn to spel.
Lynn, I like fishing for those unexpected effect results, n when they look more like paintings than photos- but use depends on purpose- Thanks
Paige, I like the darker spots n colored net too- Think it might print well.
I'm feeling a bit better today, tho still having tissue rescue n congestion issues.
Yes Paige, received today-!
Talon, I always like them all, n have alot of trouble deciding- thanks for your excellent eye's valuable opinion.
LLcoolJoe, thanks, I was short enough to get back n under the net, fit it all in, n in focus- with only one take!
JanF, A second vote for number two! Duly noted.
I'm sorry to hear you're ball challenged! Who'd think that could happen to one so otherwise talented? I was good at some of those, myself- especially the ball dancing...
BB, Ah yes, that lovely Blue Bunny Blue, what a cutie hue. Number one, a vote from you-
Robin, it's strange n wonderful how bloggers seem to think alike on subjects at the same times- Simple pics are fun for this FX project. Thanks. Bunnies never do go to school, they just hop along-
I like the second.
The funky coloring looks a bit more realistic than the first one.
First one reminds me of film being burned.
Thanks for your looky-see, G! Number 2 is a big hit! That would be the "colored-foil" effect I believe... Think the 1st is "enamel" btw.
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