
The colors reflecting off of Bcove opposite the sunset this evening were so nifty, I just had to run down the hill to snap it. Sights like this just make my day. Getting a pic or two that almost convey the feel of the actual scene isin't easy.
I'm feeling a bit better n probably eating too much to make up for all my recent starvation. I found it's difficult to perform my physical job duties without eating solid foods. Mushy food just doesn't stick to the gut very long, n I get faint when the fuel runs out. It was a very long work week without my regular food.
It's the State Sales Tax-free Week-end on purchases, so I went to get my paper goods n allergy pills. Then I bumped into an insanely cheap toaster oven I had to buy. Then I saw one dollar pizzas to cook in the little oven. What a score! Then when I got back home, the food couldn't all fit into the freezer, so I had to finish off the ice cream to make space.

Having finally mowed the foot-tall lawn earlier today, which had quickly swelled with our daily thunder showers, I was so hungry I don't even feel guilty about eating ice cream before pizza for dinner! Luckily, I don't own a scale to see how much I've swelled back to- (Probably all I'd lost with just that one meal)...
I did save a few bucks on taxes today... but the color show was free too.
those pictures are stunning!
glad to hear your feeling better, that's is always good news!
we got a new toaster oven too! ours has been broken but usable since about a month after we got it when Evan was a baby. The thing tha went was the ability to toast things at different darkness levels, you could still toast, but no longer for different periods of time. on or off. we got a slightly better model costing us $30. the one we had owned was the $15 model and int he stores the next model up was I think $50-60, and frankly, no one should spent that kind of money for a toaster oven. and when Bj's came out with this red one for the Go Red for Women campaign, I couldn't resist. We got a new coffee pot to match too, but mainly because ours has been falling apart for over a year now and just can't seem to find reason to spend $50 for a coffee maker.
Seeing your great pictures is like taking a mini- vacation! :)
Glad to hear you're feeling better.
MB, it was so pretty there that I couldn't fit enough of it into my pics! Guess you were out shopping when I tried to call- The t-oven I got is usually 30 but was on sale under 20 n a 4-slice size. I've been without one for years now.
Zoey, thankyou for appreciating my efforts. The folks right next door are on a real vacation- n I'm jealous because I'm working too hard this summer... I think it's their kayak-
I would say you captured the feel wonderfully. The colors practically jumped off of my screen - absolutely gorgeous!
Carmi, thanks for checking out my color post. I wonder what it feels like to swim in pink n purple water...?
Absolutely gorgeous pics...the glow on the water is stunning...the scene is just so peaceful and beautiful.
Talon, thanks, I knew you would appreciate the awe felt at finding such color at my fingertips.
Thanks you sharing information.
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Cure For Cowardice
Those photos are stunning. You captured the scenes well.
I'm sorry you haven't been well. It's funny I never eat ice cream but I was craving something sweet and found a tub in the freezer and nearly ate the whole pot. Great for my diet I must say.
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