What a deluge we've had here today. I drenched every available hood in my attempt to get the minimum errands done. I had to go out n clear the drain of run-over, wilted bamboo with the rake before the puddle got ankle-deep at the start of it, too. Good thing I was paying attention.
Apparently, there were several funnel clouds reported around the New England in the past few days. A tornado is probably what ripped Epson New Hampshire to bits today. A grandmother was reported killed by a collapsed home in Deerfield on the news. Twisters n the unpredictability of their sudden appearance is a scary fact of life.
Here on the Cape we tend to worry more about hurricanes, altho it's rare that one have a direct hit with alot of Damage. "Bob" was the last one that directly hit my area in the early '90's. It seems stupid to give such a thing a friendly name. If your friends were like this, you'd ditch them!
The news on Dolly indicated the storms duration of about 15 hours at landfall is what will make it memorable, n caused more damage. Not what you'd put up with from a party guest. Still, after all the weather turmoil proven to keep surprising us in the USA, you'd think people would stop thinking complacently, n respect natural events.
interestingly enough I hadn't heard about that woman in Deerfield- and it's the next town over. although I did miss a good chunk of the news yesterday and haven't read the paper yet today. Did hear about the possible tornado in NH tho.
we got soaked here yesterday too. just about 1.5" in Gfield in one day, which is alot. I was home with the kids yesterday and stuck inside all day. The neighbor came over with her sone for a couple hours in the morning so that was fun, but Liam especially was having a tough time not being able to go outside. he could be outside all day- happy as a clam. I did manage to get out of the house to go grocery shopping at 9:45. At 8:30 I was the only person in the house awake. lol. Jay did wake up a little later though. he's been tired due to seminars this week.
hope all is going decently well down there. Wish one of us could visit the other soon. We'll be in VT the week of the 3rd leaving the 2nd
MB, the weather Service determined it was a tornado in NH- the town with the fatality is next to Epson in New Hamphire, not the one next to you.
I wish I had more summer off-time, but it's our busy-season. I'll try to get to D&J's new place the 9th-
Have a good Vaca.
My aunt and uncle live in Florida, in an area that may as well have a bullseye on it. They're so prepared for disaster that they rode out Wilma and Rita for close to a week with no power. They pulled the BBQ out of their garage and cooked meat with their neighbors before it defrosted.
Amazingly, their house is built to some freakishly high hurricane standard, and they've rehearsed their preparations more times than I can count. They amaze me.
Waiting for storms is never a good thing. I remember a few close calls when I was growing up in Jersey. However, in an ironic twist, the sky is always so interestingly creepy during storm season.
Carmi, Florida has certainly had a large share of storm worries since Andrew blew thru to prove the disasters can be devastating. My 2 sisters down there have been fortunate as they were in the path of those same storms-
I'm out of practice on my drill. Bob made me go 5 days without power. What will I do when tv goes digital n the batt-powered one won't pick-up the signal anymore?
(answer: play alot of guitar)
Zoey, it's sad that folks are treating them as exciting events instead of dangerous ones-
I always watch the sky, too!
That's how I spotted the funnel-cloud n got all nervous- Clouds can be very interesting to see, especially thunderheads.
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