Crash! BOOM! Ssssssszzzzss... We have achieved loudness here on Saturday evening after dark.

On the back-beaches tho- (this village is almost an island) -on M-cove n B-cove, folks have been setting off firecrackers of all descriptions non-stop.
At least all the new neighborhood pooches have ceased barking after their busy day. There are about ten visiting dogs on my street now, conducting "RoverAlerts" (Snigglet), at every walking canine n human in hearing range, in other words- barking constantly, until intimidated by the sudden, thunderous, flying lights n sounds.
Of course I have tonight off, n now get to miss the big show tomorrow. I'll also have to leave very early tomorrow for work, because the roads at my house will be jammed up until way after the fireworks. I was looking forward to attending this year, but again, my plans are foiled. I wanted to try fireworks pics, now it'll wait another year. My card space n battery power are low ontil the replacements are aquired, anyhow- but I just don't like being forced out of the opportunity.
During my short walk late this afternoon, the bluffs n village were crowded with milling folks with little to do. Aquinas (the native maiden statue) has alot of company sitting by the sea, n lines were formed at every available eatery spot. Sea craft fill the harbor waters, n altho the ground was still partially wet, I believe the show could've gone ahead alright.
Oh well, no use crying over missed fireworks I'll hear while I'm working across town. I'm down to one day off again, but that beats my record from last year of sixteen days in a row. After two entire years without enough sleep, I'm not up for that one again.
The people have arrived. The locals are very busy this week. Sometimes I almost get an hour of daytime sleep before the sounds wake me up again. My patience with outdoor powertools lasted only half-way thru the first day.
My Day Off planned activity n social event has been post-poned, n now I want to blast tunes or play instruments, but it's too late. They're allowed to keep me from resting, but if I return the non-favor, I'd get in trouble because of the hour. Yet, there goes another stray "Pop!"
I put in the Will Smith "Independence Day" film (from'96) again. I still shudder noticing the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in it- I'm still working on having enough money to gain independence from the night job which is stealing all my time n energy to visit my loved ones n have some hang-time. I'm just not a quitter... I'm a fighter, who's fighting to maintain my personal independence.
I would've fought against the Brittish in the 1770's. Some injustices just boil my blood. Firework shows give me a personal, inner, solemn feeling nothing else compares to- Heavy weight of lives lost. Gravity. War. Blood. Danger- Being bombed by artillery. It's different to me now than when I was "Ooo-Ahh-ing" as a younger me. It impresses a picture into my soul that I've carried along all these years n can't forget.
Independence is earned, not a priviledge.
In my neighborhood pooches have been barking this afternoon & I of course have been answering them. There are some new ones though
"Pal" was a little upset as the big boomers were not going to happen..Well from a Doxie side thay are too loud,I go & get under the bed with my sister so thay won't get me...
Snag I hope you get some days off..
Love & licks..
I am sorry that you had to miss the fireworks. I didn't think to bring my camera out until it was much too late. I tried my first fireworks photos last year...went pretty well for first fireworks photos. Maybe I/you will catch fireworks on our cameras at some other point this year. :-)
Buddy, Doggie ears are pretty sensitive. Hope you all made it thru the boomers. No days off at all this week-
Blu Butterfly, The only other time in our town would be the Santa arriving in a helicopter Xmas show- n it's usually too freezing out-
Camera is always a thought since this is my first Digi-Cam year.
OMG, "Independence Day" is my all-time favorite film...
Fireworks are a tradition, that I will treasure.
Fleen, My copy gets used every year,n it's in the same drawer as my Star Wars collection.
I hate missing the fireworks-
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