I'm still alive, although still borrowing puter time just a few minutes once per week or less-
It's pure hell being used to freewill online access then getting shut down. It's the same gut-knot feeling as having a car when it breaks down n you know the money isin't in the bank to repair it yet... (Knocking on wood).
While getting these words out I'm writing with a pen out on the wooden deck, luckily. Haven't worked up much of a tan this summer yet, not many free sunny days while awake for me. This is the second for me.
Last week I managed to drag myself out of bed in time for a swim just past high tide time at my fav res beach, so at least the season won't slip past me without my minimum yearly requirement.
This week was cool n cloudy, the heat n good-timing tides will return during my work-week again.
So many chores, so little time... My luxury, of lying here in the sun a few minutes was earned by getting up early (for me) n washing the laundry to hang out. I still need to go to the laundrymat before closing to get the big bed stuff done.
I really hate the count-down I endure every day off due to everything closing just as I'm gearing up to my high-energy time of my day. It stinks having to sacrifice needed rest to get what's needed to live accomplished.
So as I lie here a few minutes, catching a few sea-birds with one sea-shell, laundry drying, tanning, relaxing, n writing, I realize there's still seedlings out here which need relocating . This relaxing time is too limited with so much to do before the sun sets, visits, errrands, chores....
Time is so limiting!
I'm hurrying even as I rest, for the sunshine will no longer be available on the deck after 3:30 pm. Time dictates it's a low-tide day here. The Post Office closes at 4:30, the bakery outlet at 5, the laundrymat by 7. The sun goes down before 8:30, when I visit toddler J down the hill here before his bedtime, then get to type this into blogger. Sometimes I get some phone calls in before 10, n then everyone I know will be in sleepy-land getting ready for their day-lives tomorrow.
Then the empty chasm of a long, dark night will drag on before me. Seeming so empty! Nowhere to go, No one to call, No one to read on Blogger!
Practice music, do chores, make plans....
"Life is what happens while you're making other plans...."
Thanks John Lennon-
Time tells me to survive here in our society, I have to do much I don't want to do with my time. The older I get, the less of "just me" I get to do... Until I can catch-up with "needs," there's not much hope for "wants."
"You can't always get what you want..."
Thanks Mick Jagger.
There'll be a point where I'll find a week to step away from what others require of me. I know after some sleeping, I'll still work myself onto a frazzle with my art projects new n old, still unable to catch-up to where I want to be.
At least working on my art is truelly fun for me, n I do get to share it with other folks.
My dreams of wants is endless. Luckily, dreams n wishes are free. Free of need, time, n work.
Creation is also an act of discovery. Finding things you didn't realize you could do, or could want. To want what you don't even know of yet! (that's me)!
More time, bux, energy, n a puter would really help now, tho- (Keep praying! I pray for you-)
I bet what the Human race is up to lately is a nifty surprize for our Creator. A case of: "I can't believe I made them, now look what they're doing!"
Thank you Creator for allowing us to be creators also, for the internet, computers, n Blogger too!
Now I only need to invent a way thru my problems to a better way to spend my time- besides making others money with my sweat, (Well, at least it's been keeping me humble...)
Now back to the world's program of limited time...
I love John Lennon!
I'm glad you got to swim, good for you!
And let's not forget the bonus time you get with the grandkids!!!
I miss you too!
My mom loved the John Lennon quote... and it is so true. We can make many plans, but that is not what life is about. Enjoy the time and life you do have, choose your priorities. I am glad you got to spend some time at the beach. I am thinking of going back myself... to the beach.
You just worry about you, and when we do see ya online we will enjoy that.
Be blessed, every day is a blessing.
me too, puter time is not in the time management plan right now....
The computer shall return soon, hold on.
hang in there mom.. i'm sending down a power supply this week in a package to christine's house. hopefully you know someone that can help you put it in. and hopefully that will solve the problem. let's hope it's not the motherboard.
I use that quote all the time from mr. lennon.. and everytime i do I think of the picture/drawing thing you made for Nancy, and can still picture it on her wall in the condo the rented in Lynn. i'm a dork :P
Nothing more relaxing than a swim.
And I LOVE that Lennon quote... I've used it many times and totally believe it.
Fleen, Do you still have that white album? Bonus Toddler-J time is a bit bouncy n hectic, but I get in more excercise... Stinks not even getting to email after work!
Xray, The best quote on tap in my head. I've made friends signs of it for their living rooms. Thanks for the bless you- Bless you dear Xray too!
Skye, Sorry to hear that, I wish I could tell time to last longer... Good luck!
Janus, It seems like forever, already! I miss your blog! Thanks
MB, Thanks MB! I'm not sure what it'll need besides that- May need set-up n Windows again too, n BBM can't find the CD, so hope it's the same one on the umass/service pack you sent her? At least it might turn on! Shall try-
John Lennon Dorks RULE
Zoey, I hope to get back there before the heat goes away again. The waves have been good, too-
I'm not surprized that the cool folks I know here all know of John's great words... tribute to a great person living on in other's minds... we should all be this lucky!
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