Who's Got the Power?
We're having a scitzophrenic weather day.
Halfway through November in New England it's over 60 degrees outside, the heat is off, and the door n windows are wide open! The clouds are whipping by at a rapid clip, windy and gusting near 30 mph. It's alternately been cloudy, pouring rain, then suddenly stopping, clearing, and sunny a few minutes before repeating the same cycle over again three times!
The weather dude predicts the temp will drop under freezing again by tomorrow night, where the normal zone's supposed to be this time of year. Guess it's in the 20's in Chicago right now, n here it comes!
They said the air over us today is the same weather system which caused at least 35 tornadoes, damage n deaths yesterday, some on the news in Davis County Tenn.
Am I supposed to feel the evil in this wind?
I actually dashed out to the store n got a new wiper blade during a clear weather patch. It was already overcast lookin like rain again when I got back five minutes later n installed it.
The local power company is warning the public that this winter in deep cold temps we may be subject to "possible rolling black-outs" when natural gas supplies get strained, as they've been since Katrina. The power will be shut-off one to two hours at a time in certain areas. What will that do to the business economy, info systems, n never mind the heat?
Most systems rely on an electric thermostat to fire-up the burner. I have electric heat up here, while down-stairs is propane. That power-out time represents a lot of heat loss here, which'll make it difficult to maintain above freezing in here with no wall insullation. The temp is only on to keep it above freezing on normal days, due to the high cost n lack of funds.
It's enough to make a wood or pellet stove very appealing. Of course those have to be approved by the town inspecter, n there'd have to be a stone or brick area three-feet away from everything, and flew-pipe hook-up to safely have one. This Apt. is out of the question for a wood-stove.
I usually use hot water bottles, layers of clothes, n turn on the electric oven n bake food to get warm. That would be a big bummer not to have without power. Say I had to be somewhere but the power was shut off so I couldn't warm it up in here to take a shower n dress when I need to. This could really ruin a whole day! Not a pleasant thought, so I'm hoping it doesn't get as bad as the past few winter seasons.

Toyota just came out with a one-person concept car shaped like a leaf n powered by photon-radiation-light. Looks like more fun than a segway, n operates like a video game. Cute lights. Why can't that be funneled to heat homes? Something needs to be done with the "normal' power problem situation, quick!
Hi morgs, aren't ya glad you're not on the plains this year?...
Ya the car looks great, but not in the rain... it needs a bigger windshield!
that thing was on the cover of time we got in the mail today. the article said it can only go a whopping 25 mph! ooooh...
our heat is on the fritz too.. gotta call teh repair people. our pilot light keeps going out.. at least 5 times this week.. i think it may be the thermocouple, but what i got from reading online. i do hope that is the problem and we don't have to get a new furnace.. even if replacing the thermocouple will only give us a few years or whatever atleast i only assume that it'll be cheaper than a new furnance!
sorry to hear ya been chillin out too... of course lighting the pilot is cheap too, just very inconvenient, especially if no one is home...
thermocouple... Hmmm you should talk to Scott, he knows! call your sis...
Snag -Hey! You used a photo! :)
Weather here's been nuts in Philly too. I was freaking my bum off today.
Btw, that little car looks awesome!
ya, Neo,
I snuck that one in so ya had to scroll n read awhile down to see it. It took me a min to figure out they already had an alt tag in the html so I stuck the url in there if anyone wanted to know where it came from. The car was shown in china a month ago, n we're just hearing it now! 25 mph is acceptable for using sunshine fuel...I think! pretty cheap!
Button up for tomorrow, gettin even colder... BBbbrrhhh
let's see, I made brownies again... what next?
Snag - Yeah hit them with the trick play. Make em' wait for it!
Man it's freezing here Friday morning. I might actually have to turn my heat on this weekend. Can't wait for the snow.
Btw, what do you do if you're in that car and it rains?
get yourself a slicker and a see-through umbrella!
I wonder if there's a glove compartment n trunk...
Can you imagine being stuck behind it in traffic?
The car is cute.... but I require a little more metal between me and the other drivers on the road, especially since I've been side-swiped.
The weather down here was a whopping 35 degrees this morning...
time for the sweatshirts and heavy socks! BRRRRR!
well, at least your 35 beats our 25! I had iced windows today!
I've already started long-johns n the winter coat...
Ouch! It is cold up there!
Yeah, n all the flowers finally shriveled up this week too, froze under the plastic!
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