Home Science

I always have to unattach and store the scanner away so the (heavy) cats don't lay down on it. That's what happened to the last one. They think it's their special warm, smooth, bed. Well, it gets them down off the TV! The fuzzy one thinks my puter time is her special attention time, well she did learn to paw the keys when I typed while a kitten... I have to hide all my PC cables n wires also, because like little kids they can't be trusted when they want something and believe you're ignoring them. I'm always trying to put the fat fluff-ball on a diet, n she's always on my case because of it. She's chewed right through thick power n monitor cords before, while I was using my PC! An expensive compulsion she has to punish me... That explains some odd-looking piles of plastic files all under the table n next to the chair... So basically, when I sign outa the machine, before I can leave the house, I must hide everything with a wire beyond her reach. Other folks don't know how spoiled they are just getting on n off the puter in a snap!
I finally found the "flaming bushes" (local slang name, in pic) MB was talking about. Not the kind Moses saw, but the bright red. Did some raking although you can't tell now. It's been pretty windy out there, n the leaning over the street oaks are only half-done dropping their loads. Leaves were so deep on the walkway and road it was getting hazardous. I always try to get to it before the heavy rain comes it to prevent the storm drain from backing up, which is always dangerous for the traffic, my truck, n my house.
Been baking to stay warm (n eat). Went to get out spare stored flour, n somehow through plastic storage bins n 2 layers of twist-tied store bags, the little, new, japanese micro-weevels wrecked two, unopenned 5 lb. bags of flour! Nothing like being stopped in the middle of making pie pastry to realise you couldn't use what ya thought was a safe bet... Those critters are even worse than Indian Grain Moths, cause they're difficult to see. No, I didn't contaminate what was already getting done. But I had to store away what I began for another time. So two days later, I finally finished making my experimental squash pie n an applesauce tart.
Everything in my oven is a pain-staking science experiment. Without the thermometer, which the numbers have burnt off of, and elaborate, self-designed, remove-able, re-usable, tin foil "scorch-guard" insulation, there's no way to bake anything with only a top broil heat-element with on-full-blast n off. I'm always busy while waiting n never use a timer, just look at the clock, so sometimes it's very challenging to remember to turn the oven on for bout ten minutes every fifteen or so in order to maintain a particular temperature range.
Yum, that squash-souffley-like pie filling hit's the spot as my veggie today...
Nothing here is quick n easy.
I love the pictures of the leaves, and knew immediately that you had found a burning bush... we have them down here..... they are beautifully red in the fall. I passed by a row of them the other day and was awestruck!
We have reached our peak and it is slowly landing on the ground. I thought I might have to go out and rake, but forgot that I re-seeded my naughty lawn again, so have to leave the leaves for protection now, till a little grass comes up.
Kittys are funny with what they'll chew, huh? Very glad that all I have to do is shut off the computer and walk away... burying cords would be an extra chore I can do without! Poor you!
MMMMMM... squash pie, yummy!
Hi Ellen, Actually there's tons of those bushes in the woods across the street, right near all the endangered Mayberry bushes. I just didn't realize that's what they were called all this time.
i surely say i do not miss that stove... altho i was a pro at baking with it by the time i went to college... but i'll add that at least the baking element still worked at the time, even if it was just on and off
i love those leave pictures too.... you arrange them so nicely!!! theres that artists eye for ya... i have to agree with milk brain, don't miss that stove too much and have to throw in that it's too bad that your landlord is a loud drunken idiot and can't replace anything right....
Ok, now you are going to get really tired of hearing from me...
Thought that was the town.. never heard of the other one, but wanted to be sure.
Also- got the links to go up but they won't link. will keep trying.
Long story short... your mail comes through, but I can't reply. Only can reply on Outlook, but mail comes through on this program called incredimail... still haven't figured out why I can get, but not send there.
Thanks again for yout help... I will delete out (if I can) the other comments by me.
def a challenge to cook from the top down! Yep, the landpeople put another unsightly blob in the Brm I just wanna hit 'em with my sculptor back-hand how he kills all the sights in here...
OK Ellen, will send one more note...to see if other ems will work.
I finally got it, and replied on my blog... but will let you know here as well. Many, many thanks!
You are right, tomorrow is another day (How ironic is that for me)...
but I am determined to get this done tonight while the phones are quiet and nobody's here to disturb me. YAHOO!!! its done!
Hi Morgs!
It seems everyone else knows about the "flaming bushes" name but me, n I'm a nature nut... hmmm...
Now if only I had a digi cam to keep uploading more fun things. Someday...
Wow, cooking sounds like a huge effort! Good on your for making things, and I'm sure they were all scrummy!
Love the leaves, and dare I say - the different background looks cool too. :)
Meanwhile - fatcat sounds like a challenge. hehe. Gotta love them, huh.
ya Using Up the Words,
thanx for the color BG suggestion, got few more diff scans in, but like the blue best.
I'm just grateful I have the brains to cook the goods without wreckin it, I love to creative bake with what's on hand, plus it's gettin fairly cold in here! Warms me up.
I finally got fat fuzzball to sit next to the keyboard instead of helping me bat keys...
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