Monday, December 10, 2012


Image by SnaggleTooth Dec 2012

The days left to ready for Xmas are whipping right by, n I'm exhausted today just thinking about it. I only have a total of 4 free days left to wrap up my present efforts-

A few gifts got given early today to save mailing expense at least, but still need to send the rest after the shopping gets all done. Too much to do, so little sleep lately.

Photo by SnaggleTooth Dec 2012

This morning I got up very early, went to a large Little One party for J, Ate pizza n cake for breakfast, then went to work. Home after 2am, n just getting dinner now- So exhausted but not unwound. Looking forward to at least 6 hours to sleep before work tomorrow, Then another day n I'll be flyin' trying to get all this stuff done!

Is your shopping all done?


At 6:24 AM, Blogger G. B. Miller said...

Have not even remotely started yet. Too many things going on family-wise have made Christmas shopping low on the totem pole of things that need to be done.

At 8:43 PM, Blogger Lynn said...

I have about half of it done. It's not nearly as labor intensive for me as it used to be. I got wee Monroe and book about good night kisses - they are easy to please when they are wee. :)

At 2:47 AM, Blogger Snaggle Tooth said...

G, still I wonder if you already figured out what to get. I never relax until it's all done. I'm still undecided on a few things. Then I need time to make a few things... Good luck with the quick effort approach!

Lynn, deciding to buy for the kids n limit the adult presents, as in name pulling saves so much time. Still I have alot of the "wee" to please. That's always the most fun! Good luck with the rest of your quest!

At 6:30 AM, Blogger Granny Annie said...

We are not decorating or shopping. The checks are in the mail. Our wish is for everyone else to have a grand and glorious Christmas and that will be their gift to us.

At 2:00 AM, Blogger Snaggle Tooth said...

Gran Annie, Sounds like alot of the pressure is taken off for you to not hurry at least. Of course, my recipients are still very young n easier to buy for.
Sorry you're not up for making decs. I hope you have a merry time no matter what!

At 4:51 PM, Blogger LL Cool Joe said...

Apart from card writing and wrapping I think I'm fairly up to date. I'm still waiting for a few items to arrive from Amazon though.

We aren't doing any entertaining this Christmas would is nice!

At 8:37 AM, Blogger Neo said...

Finished my shopping yesterday, did the wrapping last night. :)

That first image looks like hearts in the sky!

At 8:04 PM, Blogger Snaggle Tooth said...

LLcoolJ, Glad you don't have to do the big party clean up again! Enjoy your lower key celebration! Have fun with the kids!
I still have late (after) cards to get to- I'm so bad without the time...

Neo, oh no! my Elf name is "Sqeezy Monkey Buns"!! My heart is always in the sky...


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